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put it in a zip file because thats all AIO's are worth and anyone who makes all in ones and are proud of them cant get past that kiddie programming


do something useful if you are going to program and make programs that the community would use


also, you would use programming language, the 2 most commong beginners language c# or Visual Basic (VB)


nah, you can make an AIO that can run embedded programs, using code i have at home that uses 'extractApp' and 'runApp', but i cannot get it atm..


so do it where you include it in a folder. lets use 1 folder for now.


folder = name that you gave to that folder.

app.exe = name of the '.exe' file that you wish to execute.


you can approach this two ways.


1) Process.Start("folder\app.exe")

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("folder\app.exe") - This can be used for troubleshooting...


2) Shell("folder\app.exe")

Shell("rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler folder\app.exe") - This can be used to handle files, where it never gives an

error, it may display a system message, but no vb error.

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