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Posted (edited)

Xlink Kai




Originally posted by: Mcmodder♥

Posted Edited by: SmokiestGrunl


What you will need::

  • Xbox 360 or Xbox
  • A game
  • The internet, wit a good connection
  • I little know how


Go to this website:


The website should look like this:


Download Xlink Kai and sign up, making sure your user name is not your xbox live name.


  1. Log in and u should see some pictures, click on the world.
  2. You should see what games console work with Xlink, choose the one that is for the game you have chosen, like me I have a 360 but I was playing halo 2 so that would be just xbox.
  3. Then choose the game, then the country.
  4. You should see people, just join someone then if your playing Halo 2 go into system link and you should see them.

Edited by SmokiestGrunl

Im sorry but the title is in no way misleading unless it has already been edited :S

Although i found this thanks to stevensve and taught MCmodder he dosent seem to have learned :S can you please add some more detail

  Mcmodder♥ said:
sorry i did not no realy were to put it and whats wrong with the title ? :(


"Free xbox live" Its not xbox live, their is no matchmaking, there is no real friends system. It just allows you to connect to each others xboxs like a LAN.


  sillybob123♥ said:
Im sorry but the title is in no way misleading unless it has already been edited :S


Yeah I did change it already.


If Mcmodder doesn't make a better post when I get home from school I'm make it look better.

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