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Posted (edited)

Im tryin to do the recon glitch ill tell u guys how to do it too but first picture and video http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/PlayerMo...p;p7=9&p8=9 theres a link

Here's a video

(link) please put vid on page staff

Once u watch video u think first steps r easy till u get to the white screen withh spartin elite ime a spartin what u do



u see after the p1= are tons of numbers the first set u dont change but once u go to the second set change the first number too 3 go to 3rd set change first number to 3 and go to the foursth set and change first number to 3

after heres what mine should look like


now im stuck on that part so many people from the comments of the same glitch said it worked im stuck on a white screen that has recon armor please reply after watching video and reading i know it works someone else made a video land pirate (oficial gamertag) and has recon right now :clapping:

heres another video :clapping: Edited by trevx64
dude thats mine i just dont know how to get it back to 360 ps add me and heres a link to urs ill do it it says there at pax right now later ill give u link it is mine even look at the colors of my profile same yellow my friend made me join his clan
Posted (edited)
look there is no physical way to recieve recon ffs. the only way to get it is to have a bungie employee unlock it for you. all that video does is take you to another url were your colors are the same and the armours different, but its not you. even if by some miracle, you managed to do what the video said and get it on your bungie home page,it wouldnt apear ingame anyways! Edited by Decatur55
  trevx64 said:
Im tryin to do the recon glitch ill tell u guys how to do it too but first picture and video http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/PlayerMo...p;p7=9&p8=9 theres a link

Here's a video

(link) please put vid on page staff

Once u watch video u think first steps r easy till u get to the white screen withh spartin elite ime a spartin what u do



u see after the p1= are tons of numbers the first set u dont change but once u go to the second set change the first number too 3 go to 3rd set change first number to 3 and go to the foursth set and change first number to 3

after heres what mine should look like


now im stuck on that part so many people from the comments of the same glitch said it worked im stuck on a white screen that has recon armor please reply after watching video and reading i know it works someone else made a video land pirate (oficial gamertag) and has recon right now :clapping:

heres another video :clapping:



This is only client sided, and if you use firefox and firebug you can edit live page html ansd javascript which is easier than this dude says, and still does the same. Soon as you turn the page or refresh it after doing the glitch it goes away,just pretend.

Posted (edited)

i was pretty retarded me retardism LOLZ <_< that guys a nube that mad the video it is fun to go to that screen and look at

different colors to go with recon sorry goys epic fail

Edited by trevx64
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  Decatur55 said:
look there is no physical way to recieve recon ffs. the only way to get it is to have a bungie employee unlock it for you. all that video does is take you to another url were your colors are the same and the armours different, but its not you. even if by some miracle, you managed to do what the video said and get it on your bungie home page,it wouldnt apear ingame anyways!


when bungie unlocks your profile for recon, your profile is changed. therefore hex values are changed to enable recon. So yes, there is a physical way. - Only no willing recon owner will let us xsata their profile for comparison.

There's more then enabling Recon, if it was that simple then loads of people would have it. Each time you connect to xbox live it gets a list of people who are allowed to have Recon, if you're not on that list then it won't show up.
  gabe_k said:
There's more then enabling Recon, if it was that simple then loads of people would have it. Each time you connect to xbox live it gets a list of people who are allowed to have Recon, if you're not on that list then it won't show up.


Halo 3 also runs checks for "legit" recon while you are playing to make sure your profile is "true".

Posted (edited)
no 1 cares about recon eney more so go to a dif site and wine about it


^^ Noone cares about recon anymore, so go to a different website and whine about it. :angryface: x 3

Edited by xDansomee♥
  xDansomee♥ said:
^^ Noone cares about recon anymore, so go to a different website and whine about it. :angryface: x 3

^^ Noone cares about recon anymore, so go to a different website and whine about it. :angryface: x 4

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