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I don't know if this should go in this section or the Forge section but here goes.


Ultimate Budget Glitch


Everyone knows about the budget glitch and the many canvas maps made utilizing it, if you don't then I suggest you lift up that rock.


Now something that's always bugged me about budget glitched maps is you have to start off with 1 of every object on your map, it's really cluttered and it's a pain. Sure, some people hide the stuff outside the map so it's not in the way, but then when you need those objects you have to fetch them from the outer depths.


So wouldn't it be nice to have a fully budget glitched map without any of the clutter? Well I think I can help you there.


Enough with the introductory build-up and suspense! On with the method!


It's ludicrously painfully simple, to create the canvas do this:


-Have two people in the party (this can be over xbox live or locally with two controllers, makes no difference)


-One person (Designated 1) goes to the object menu (hit X) and go to the item you wish to budget glitch, then go to its object summary where you can alter run-time maximums (hit X again)


-The other person (Designated 2) also goes to the menu (hit X) and goes to that same item, you then spawn that object (hit A)


-The person (1) on the object summary goes to the run-time maximum and makes sure it's highlighted (i.e. so they can alter the number) but don't actually do anything yet, the number should be highlighted at "1" (This will have automatically happened when your team-mate spawned the object, you just have to hit A to select it)


-The person (2) holding the object now deletes it.


-The person (1) on the object summary is still on the run-time maximum, so despite the object not being there any more, they can still alter the run-time maximum value. Now all you're going to do is simply hit A again (Just make sure the run-time maximum is at "1" before you do so, which it should be if you haven't been fiddling around with it). This will confirm your run-time maximum choice to forge.


- Now when either player looks at the budget summary for the object it will say there are 0 placed on map but it has a run-time maximum of 1. That's it, that's the glitch!


- Rinse and repeat for every object (including flamethrower and filters and any other object with a run-time maximum of 1, it works for those too!)


- Once you have every object so that it's got 0 on the map but a run-time maximum of 1 then you're finished, you have a fully glitched canvas with no crap on it.


Now I know what you're saying "That's not budget glitched, I can only spawn one of each object before it un-budget glitches" - Wrong!


For an amazing thing happens. Whenever you spawn an object on this glitched canvas, the run-time maximum automatically increases by 1 each time you spawn something.


E.g. You budgeted the double boxes so that there is 0 on the map and 1 in the run-time maximum. Spawn a double box, now it will say there is 1 on the map and 2 in the run-time maximum, spawn 3 and you get 4 in the RM Queue e.t.c. The Run-time maximum always stays 1 step ahead of the number on the map no matter what!


Now say that you delete one of those 3 double boxes, then the run time maximum will drop by 1, but spawn a double box again and the run-time maximum will go back up again. The ONLY time you can't delete an object is if it is the only 1 on the map (The run-time maximum drops down to 0) or if you have already placed ALL of that object on the map (i.e. so the number on the map has caught up with the run-time maximum). Anything in-between that and you can delete and re-spawn to your heart's content.


Two final notes about the glitch:


- You can also budget glitch a normal map that you're part-way through on, just like you may currently do when you accidentally delete stuff or whatever. Now what you used to do was make sure you had enough budget to fill the run-time maximum for an object to budget glitch it. Well, all you actually have to do is increase its run-time maximum by one, that's it, that's ALL you have to do. Just go to the object you want to budget glitch, go to its run-time maximum and increase it by 1, voila, you're done! (Wow how painfully simple and obvious is that? How could no one have figured this out already!?)


- On the new maps you can also do filters. Now with the old method you would have to put the filter on the map if you wanted to reserve it for later (huge pain, did anyone ever really bother? No, didn't think so). Well with this method you can reserve it for later because it will have a run-time maximum even though it's not on the map. So if you spend ages making a great map on Blackout and then suddenly decide it could really do with Pen and Ink + Nova filter then you can just select it right then and there, no need to make sure you have budget left to do so, nifty eh?


So that's it folks, that's the glitch! So it works by just increasing the run-time maximum to being 1 more than the number placed on the map. Shockingly simple! Then if you want to make a canvas of it you just need two people so that you can delete all the objects but still be left with run-time maximums of 1, giving you a True Canvas and with No Budget!

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