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[Repoman 108/XxFaTaLGaMerxX] Flooded blackout

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Flooded Blackout


Made by: Repoman 108 and XxFaTalGamerxX (Zzmoddudezz of ibotmodz.net)


Post written up by XxFaTalGamerxX (Zzmoddudezz of ibotmodz.net)



Elite clones

oracle clones


water in multiple layers at different heights



sorry none at the moment (if someone has a capture card & is willing to post on youtube plz let me know)



Flooded Blackout (note Repoman 108 modded it, I gave ideas and layed out the smoke. also V noob V is a modded author..he actually hates that person and want to get him banned)


Screenshots:(screnshot taken by XxFaTalGamerxX (my gamertag) ibotmodz name is ZzModdudezZ)



a view of some of the clones and some water



HELP im drowning...just kidding



another layer of water



top of map and another layer of water



This is the first screenshot shown and a good one


I hope you enjoy this map

Posted (edited)
  Korupt Data said:
Wait why was this re-posted O___o i swear ive seen this b4


sorry about this I just decided to release. When I posted yesterday under H3 modding i was just sharing screenshots and did not plan to release sorry about that and PLZ a administrator remove the old one form H3 modding and NOTE: abcd was the original name and never renamed sorry if that confused you

Edited by ZZmoddudeZZ
thanks. hey fatalgamer, why did you only post pictures of the 2nd floor flooded? on the actual map i made theres like the whole map flooded...sorry that the water isnt at the exact right level on all floors but for some reason the sandbox co-ordinates seemed to stick to certain spots... thats the closest i could get it
  Repoman 108 said:
thanks. hey fatalgamer, why did you only post pictures of the 2nd floor flooded? on the actual map i made theres like the whole map flooded...sorry that the water isnt at the exact right level on all floors but for some reason the sandbox co-ordinates seemed to stick to certain spots... thats the closest i could get it


I did the second to last pic has the very top layer of water and the rest are at different heights in lower part of the map

  • 3 weeks later...
  L337 Box said:
the link is broken could you please repost it? i would like to see this map :)


I do have this map me and a friend made it. He put it on his fileshare for a little bit but removed it and I DO NOT PUT MODS ON MY FILESHARE because i do not want to get banned so sorry I guess if i have a chance I could show you but if you send me a message tell me who you are because I get about 10 freind request everyday even when im not online and I delete all of them unless I know who they are

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