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yeah so of the people who read the about me intro thingie in the off topic i mentiond my mother, and she goes into the hospital every 4 months or so and last time was on my birthday, anyways shes in again and i have a decent medical background from taking care of her, but shes diabetic and as of this second shes in acute chronic pain from rhometiod athritis or sumthing...its 2 am its around that, recently she had made a horrible mistake and OD on her pain killers so they were revoked, now shes on a lower dose pain pill so shes in constant pain and she is currently having low sodium levels so her kidneys are failing and is puking and we called an ambulance last night so im ptolly going to go overnight again...ty for taking the time for reading this and please keep my mother in your thoughts, AND I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU MAKE A CRACK I WILL @#%$ING HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU PAINFULLY AND SLOWLY
thats really sucks dude i remember when my mom had to go to the hospital every week to get chemo , them after when she was getting worse and had to stay in the hospital until she died :( :crybaby:
thank you all for being apethetic or empathetic or watever the word is, its nice to know that people took the time to read this, thanks to all of you, i visited her today and she was depressed so she was crying, because she didnt take Prednisone, or suttin like that but thats the medication that helps regulate her personality AND THE NURSES WERE PATRANIZING HER BECAUSE SHE WAS CRYING AND TERRIFIED OF GETTING A TRANSFUSION! omfg i almost went and got them fired if my dad wasnt there yelling at those heartless bitches
I'm here for all the understanding and such, But i don't think we needed drama on these forums. When you bring it, and say don't flame. People are bound to flame, its common sense. But personally, i do not like drama, And i don't have a mother either. So i can see on your level of this, But next time. Just be prepared for flame. It's annoying i know =/
  .Eli said:
I'm here for all the understanding and such, But i don't think we needed drama on these forums. When you bring it, and say don't flame. People are bound to flame, its common sense. But personally, i do not like drama, And i don't have a mother either. So i can see on your level of this, But next time. Just be prepared for flame. It's annoying i know =/


That about sums it up



And not trying to be mean or anything, but why do people insist on telling everyone about there family life?

Someone is always a @#%$ bag about it and says something mean, and then everyone else either tells a family story,

or they just say that the person is in there prayers,

Honestly, i have told people that the thing they are talking about or person are "in my prayers"


I dont even pray.


Instead of telling us all about how she is, be with her by her side instead of on a computer, that will help you more than haveing her in peoples "prayers"


That had no intention of being mean at all. I feel for you bud, i hope she gets better, i really do. And right now im hoping to god she is ok. But im not going to say she is in my prayers because that would be lying. Feel free to flame back at me and get all angry and pissed of because what i said. But its true and thats what i believe.

  Decatur55 said:
look im not looking for sympathy its nice its coming in boatloads but im just venting i spent 8hrs with her today so how about you stop making trouble



  Decatur55 said:
melo srlsly stop making drama i was talking about eli


Stop double posting,

and im not making drama, im telling you what everyone feels


Stop complaing ffs

i wAS not attempting to double post and you came in here complaining that i vented im not complaining, im telling you, you're starting stuff and I JUST WANT TO END IT
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