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Posted (edited)

i think this should be in xbox 360 modding, but no1 looks there. but..


i am looking for a program that can import ANY file into a con, instead of just "Sanbox.Map".

I am wanting this to make personlized gamerpics. Or if anyone can inject for me that would be great!

Edited by .dice♥
Its impossible I think to make it into a program, because there would always be a different table to hash and inject, than hash that. I don't understand it enough, but I think to do that you would need a specific con injector. I didn't even know custom gamerpics were possible.
Posted (edited)
i opened up a texas hold em picture pack (from when u just play it and it gives you it) with wxPris, and extracted 4 .png files. 2 were larger 64x64 size gamerpics, and the other were 2 32x32 gamerpics (smaller versions of the 64x64 ones). I made a personal pic, both sizes. i just need some way of injecting it. would hex editing it in work? Edited by .dice♥
  .dice♥ said:
i opened up a texas hold em picture pack (from when u just play it and it gives you it) with wxPris, and extracted 4 .png files. 2 were larger 64x64 size gamerpics, and the other were 2 32x32 gamerpics (smaller versions of the 64x64 ones). I made a personal pic, both sizes. i just need some way of injecting it. would hex editing it in work?


You might be able to edit it like a screenshot, and rehash/resign like that. But other than that.. I am unsure.

  Dark Slipstream said:
<br />You might be able to edit it like a screenshot, and rehash/resign like that. But other than that.. I am unsure.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


well see, i dont know how to edit screenshots...

  iBotPeaches said:
Its impossible I think to make it into a program, because there would always be a different table to hash and inject, than hash that. I don't understand it enough, but I think to do that you would need a specific con injector. I didn't even know custom gamerpics were possible.

It's possible to write it into a program.

  TheEazyB said:
this wont work, downloaded picture packs are LIVE containers and cant be resigned...


i never said i was going to use the ones from live now did i. u know when u beat insane on gears of war? and u get that gamerpic. yeah thats not a live container. ITS A CON. So yeah. POSSIBLE.

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