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yes, very good work on that one eh.>.> i love the flamy look of it. It looks kinda over blurred in some of teh areas. and melo i wont be on much this week, i gotta fix my comp poo per...


Great FX, and great depth(kinda) nice color. And mind tellin me who you collab wit?

im not sure if i like much. its hard to tell what it is. it looks a bit over sharppend in areas. the flame looks like hes on fire, then he is floating on top of more fire, because of the dark smoke that is below him. it looks like he is floating also because of how you can see the bottom of the render and how there is no ground ( that is visible) under him. but its still ok, just pointing out the bad.



Like the black and white one the most.


  \ said:
Okay. I love the B&W one. its the smex! Great flow depth and design. I just dont like how the focal point is in the very middle. overall good job though. 8.5/10




Over done in some areas.


I can't come close to this.


Maybe txt and who you did it with.



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