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Contribute to campaign research! (IF YOU HAVE XSATA, READ!)

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Hello people, to help me in my research, I'll need people to volunteer and PM me their campaign saves. Follow the steps below to help me:


1. Play campaign - change settings to whatever you want, any number of players, etc.

2. Go to a checkpoint and save and quit.

3. Go into your harddrive, find a file named personalXXXXXXXXXX. The X's are numbers or letters. As shown in the picture below.



4. PM me with that file attached and the following information filled out:

Campaign Level:

Checkpoint*: (Rally Point A, etc.)

Gamertag: (If offline, specify name of player)

Skulls Activated:

Scoring Type: (Co-Op, FFA, or none)

Total Point: (If Scoring type is on)

Method of Transport: (On foot, warthog, tank, etc.)

Primary Weapon:

Secondary Weapon:

Equipment Carrying: (Auto-Turret, etc.)

Equipment In-Use: (None, Cloaking, Invincibility, etc.)


*Checkpoint - If you played from the beginning, please tell me which checkpoint you're in, if selected from the main menu, tell me which one (Rally Point A, etc.)


If you send me your save, thank you very much for contributing to research! I'll credit everyone who contribute to the research in the whitepaper.



EDIT: You can see my whitepaper here.


Ok let me explain how campaign works.

those personal saves are only a thing that loads your progress. You have to .map mod campaign maps like in halo 2. There is a whole lot of research to be done but all you can do now is change the load spot.

  \ said:
Ok let me explain how campaign works.

those personal saves are only a thing that loads your progress. You have to .map mod campaign maps like in halo 2. There is a whole lot of research to be done but all you can do now is change the load spot.


You can do way more than that. You can swap objects, etc.


For now, it isn't working, but once we crack it, we will be able to drive a banshee on levels we aren't supposed to drive on, etc.


And, redstar, that app is fake. Sligstorm is a retard and likes to trick people.

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