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  \ said:
ok every time i try to resign a film clip i get this message even when i try befor i mod it


Pic - http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29867-91.jpg


I got non-negative error when doing BSP maps, and I was told its an error produce by the program and cannot be fixed.


It doesn't have a built in hasher, and I haven't ever seen that error. That just means something is wrong with the code.. superasion would have to fix something like that. I am not completely sure though..


*Tagged as Support.

  \ said:
i foud out the problem the clip was 1 mb and rehashers only rehash up to 88.7 kb


what? ... some people have rehashers that rehash over 5 mB, it just depends on what one you have

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