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[Pimpin Tyler] Concert Time

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Concert Time


Made by Pimpin Tyler

Post written up by Pimpin Tyler aka XPimpinTyler aka xTyler iZ iLL of iBotModz.net




- a Stage for the band to sing with a backstage

- Also their is and outside of it

- This is not playable really but not random it falls under an aesthetic type of map. I was suppose to post this a couple of days ago but stuff came up so I never got the chance, Enjoy.



- Laggy at some times but overall none really.



Overview of the concert:


Up Close on The Band:

Another View of the stage:


Yet Another View of the stage:


Backstage ( Ugh More fans): http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29609-102.jpg

Outside of the concert:


Pic of crowed , sorry small pic, will get a bigger one: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29609-104.jpg





If somone can get a video plz do so, thank you.




Mirror 1, Bungie.net



Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun.


Pimpin Tyler of iBotModz.net

  \ said:
TYLER MAKING A RANDOM MOD xD!!!!!!! oMFg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol my friend made one just like that


This is not random its aesthetic but you wouldn't know any better. The only thing that might be out of place is the crowed and Its the best on how I could do it.


Playable Mod - Something you can play a game on.


Random Mod - Something with random items/stuff placed all over the place.


His map would fall into Aesthetic, seeing that it doesn't quite fall into both of those categories. In my opinion, if it is funny, adventurable, playable, racable, or anything close to that it isn't considered random.. lol

  \ said:
Playable Mod - Something you can play a game on.


Random Mod - Something with random items/stuff placed all over the place.


His map would fall into Aesthetic, seeing that it doesn't quite fall into both of those categories. In my opinion, if it is funny, adventurable, playable, racable, or anything close to that it isn't considered random.. lol


Thank you, I spent hours making this, and its good somone understands.

ya this map seems kinda aesthetic, but i cant wait to go rock out with a few elites and at the end of the concert one of the band members (me) goes into a huge rage and kills everyone at the concert in one of histories biggest massacres.
  \ said:
ya this map seems kinda aesthetic, but i cant wait to go rock out with a few elites and at the end of the concert one of the band members (me) goes into a huge rage and kills everyone at the concert in one of histories biggest massacres.


lol Have to see that video.

  \ said:
lol this is great, did you forge this or did you get a friend to do it?


I made this from scratch.

lol looks great and funny looks like a real concert if concert had robomen and 8ft tall aliens and in a weird factory that makes weapons to fight talking apes weird dog things with big eyes and littel things that breath meth

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