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  \ said:
Thanks for this tutorial. I download this program the other day. Opened it up didn't know what to do so I deleted it.


No problem dude. If you want any help with explaining it, let me know over MSN. I'm glad to help.


For the rest of you guys/girls that may need some help still using this program, pm me on AIM whenever you please. As long as I am NOT away.


PS: Hopefully this tutorial is very clear, please leave some feedback.


AIM - Dark Siipstream


~Dark Slipstream

  \ said:
i thought u just open the usermap in wxpirs then there would be a file called sandbox.map and extract it then open it in sandbox which sounds easier but nice tut anyway


You use this tutorial to describe "How-To-Use" Sandbox. But yes, you got like 1/6 of what is up there.

  \ said:
real nice

real long

feel like making a noob version?



this took 1 hour just to copy n paste and do everything else.

It took another hour to n00bify screenshot mods, this one is easy to understand, just read exactly what it says.


It's easy because of all the pics.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)
:help: Ok, I am having a problem, when I open the map and find the slot that I want, I click the slot, then the edit button, then I get a box that has 5 options : Block type, Object rotation, Respawn settings, Spawn Location, and Tag Reference, that's all, no "Edit Slot Index Entry." Please help I am getting really frustrated. :mega_shok: Edited by ShadowHeir1

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