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I found this on Youtube while I was just search Gears of war 2




And they say not is no where near the gore in the full game and by them I mean Epic. With the human execution how the punch them the locust's stand on top of them, rip their arm off and proceed to beat the hell out of the humans.


Man I so hope the gore makes it to Australian shores

  \ said:
pretty much the same as Legacy's except not as good, and the song sucks


i actauly like the song and i like the "smart bomb precision guided armaments" part


any 1 know what the song is called

  \ said:
i didnt make it but what you mean not as good they are the same


Well originally what i ment to put was "pretty much the same as Legacy's except his song" is better or something but then i typed it wrong and had to edit, that not what i ment to say

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