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Modding Film Clips To Give You Recon

Tutorial By Nuklear


- Open HxD Hex Editor (or your favorite hex editor)

- Press CTRL+F and search for a player who you want to give recon to. Make sure Unicode String is checked!

- From exactly 45 bytes from the beginning of the player's name, you'll see 4 bytes. (Shown below)




- Change all of that to 03 to have a full recon set. (You can change each byte to change certain parts of the player's armor)






Download the document above for:


Spartan Armour

Elite Armour



Emblem Colours

  \ said:
yes but no one knows how to make it so u have flaming recon only ambi0 knows thats how he did it for me and him...


I do :p


Heres how u do it


Helmet Recon

Chest Bungie

Shoulders Recon


There you go, wereing the bungie chest plate gives you flaming helmet

  \ said:
yes but no one knows how to make it so u have flaming recon only ambi0 knows thats how he did it for me and him...


Actually you just have to change the body to 08 and that is flaming body

  \ said:
  \ said:
Ok, one question, how do you know which one is which...

01 <--Head? 01 <--Body? 01 01 <--Shoulders?


I think that's right. =/


The order is head, left arm, right arm, body.

  \ said:
Nice so whats there to stop you from giving a elite recon ^-^

Elite's have different Armor permutation's. These are meant for Spartans.


0x1B849 Player 1 name

0x1B876 Player 1 Helmet

0x1B877 Player 1 left shoulder

0x1B878 Player 1 Right shoulder

0x1B879 Player 1 Chest

0x1B869 Player 1 primary color

0x1B86A Player 1 secondary color

0x1B86B Player 1 detail color


Aqua = 10

Blue = 12

Brown = 1b

Cobalt = 13

Coral = 7

Crimson = 18

Cyan = 11

Gold = 9

Green = 13

Khaki = 1d

Lavender = 17

Mauve = 4

Olive = 14

Orange = 6

Orchid = 16

Pale = 11

Peach = 8

Pink = 1a

Red = 3

RubyWine = 19

Sage = 12

Salmon = 5

Sapphire = 20

Silver = 1

Steel = 0

Tan = 1c

Teal = 15

Violet = 15

White = 2

Yellow = 10

Um did you guys find out the other armor in halo 3 i was lokking at a bungie member and he had BUNGIE BODY but with the katana on his back? Is that some new kind of armor?

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