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Ok I think it might be time for me to post my app. I have been doing GFX for a few years now but I have only really gotten into it two weeks ago, when I got photoshop.I have gotten basicaly addicted to it. As a result have made many things. From comments that people have given me, I have some skill, have improved very fast and have learned lots in such a little time working with photoshop. If anyone belives I don't diserve is position i respect that, but I'd like to know why. If there are enough active GFX members to make it possible to get accepted that would be great. So here i will post some of my betters ( in my opinion ).


















Ok this one kinda sucks but it was my first photoshop sig, it diserves to be shown.



I have made more but Im sure most of the GFX team has seen them (At least the ones I've posted). Thanks for your time. I hope I get a spot on the team.

  \ said:

if you made all your work as good as the gears of war one

(which was still novice)

then maybe, but right now it is clear that you need to practice more


Ouch. Mr.GFX here. I love it.


Perhaps you could help him get better? Or maybe constructive.


I'd say yes. He's active. And this is ibotmodz for @#%$ sakes. Wether you wanna hear it or not...


This site sucks for gfx. Seriously.


I love how theres like 4 people who are active... Him being one... and your turning him down.

  \ said:
  \ said:

if you made all your work as good as the gears of war one

(which was still novice)

then maybe, but right now it is clear that you need to practice more


Ouch. Mr.GFX here. I love it.


Perhaps you could help him get better? Or maybe constructive.


I'd say yes. He's active. And this is ibotmodz for ##$% sakes. Wether you wanna hear it or not...


This site sucks for gfx. Seriously.


I love how theres like 4 people who are active... Him being one... and your turning him down.


What the @#%$

dont be a smart ass

I DO give him constructive feedback,

And also, your vote doesnt matter, oh and again, im gfx leader, if i say no, its no.


ALSO, who cares if we have 4 active gfx members, that doesnt mean we should let people who arent good enough in!


Next thing you know, YOU will be trying out for gfx.


Its a no. He needs to improve, end of story


well i will say yes for switching him for dice, and no effence dice for him replacing you he is making more work than you


i am making a sig tonight I've been busy studying butt my next exam is Friday so doesn't matter


but he is improving, i think he will get way better Melo. We need to give him time and plus he would be way better on the gfx team that DICE so i say yes.


But MeLo is right you are still novice but I personally think you are gonna get better seeing how you are getting better


but take more time on your sigs, you said yo took the most time on the GOW sig so how long did that take, most my sigs are longer than a hour


a couple took like 30 mins but thats like 2


but how about we give you a week subs and if you make most of your sigs better or the same as the gow sig we let you in?


And btw i love the style of the hulk sig, its a hard style to master but you should of made his hand pop out of the picture that would of looked sick!



  \ said:
well i will say yes for switching him for dice, and no effence dice for him replacing you he is making more work than you


i am making a sig tonight I've been busy studying butt my next exam is Friday so doesn't matter


but he is improving, i think he will get way better Melo. We need to give him time and plus he would be way better on the gfx team that DICE so i say yes.


But MeLo is right you are still novice but I personally think you are gonna get better seeing how you are getting better


but take more time on your sigs, you said yo took the most time on the GOW sig so how long did that take, most my sigs are longer than a hour


a couple took like 30 mins but thats like 2


but how about we give you a week subs and if you make most of your sigs better or the same as the gow sig we let you in?


And btw i love the style of the hulk sig, its a hard style to master but you should of made his hand pop out of the picture that would of looked sick!





I didnt say he is never allowed in.

True, he is active, and true, he is getting better


But he needs to improve a little bit more in order to get in. If all of his sigs were like the GOW one, he would be in,

that one was by far his best. If he took as mush time as he did on the gow one for everyone else,

All his work would be amazing.

  \ said:
  \ said:
well i will say yes for switching him for dice, and no effence dice for him replacing you he is making more work than you


i am making a sig tonight I've been busy studying butt my next exam is Friday so doesn't matter


but he is improving, i think he will get way better Melo. We need to give him time and plus he would be way better on the gfx team that DICE so i say yes.


But MeLo is right you are still novice but I personally think you are gonna get better seeing how you are getting better


but take more time on your sigs, you said yo took the most time on the GOW sig so how long did that take, most my sigs are longer than a hour


a couple took like 30 mins but thats like 2


but how about we give you a week subs and if you make most of your sigs better or the same as the gow sig we let you in?


And btw i love the style of the hulk sig, its a hard style to master but you should of made his hand pop out of the picture that would of looked sick!





I didnt say he is never allowed in.

True, he is active, and true, he is getting better


But he needs to improve a little bit more in order to get in. If all of his sigs were like the GOW one, he would be in,

that one was by far his best. If he took as mush time as he did on the gow one for everyone else,

All his work would be amazing.



so subs



but my pointof this post maybe not scratch out dice maybe justa dd him in to the team because dice just made a sig


and IF he does make more he stays



i say


No for right now,


Take some more time on 3 new sigs,


When you think they are as good or better than the gow sig,


you will surly make it



As of now, topic closed


uh switch me? F U K THAT.


yeah sure i never posted a sig in awhile, but guess what.. a made a LP last night, thought it was time and i will be doing more.


and subs, yes you need some more practice bra.


PS: Sorry for posting in a closed topic.


EDIT: umm.. if i'm ever being closed to betting kicked from the team, tell me and i will make sig like a m u t ha f uk a

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