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Made by cHRiS tWosTrEeT aka yungbol

Resigned by HyperStorm

Post written up by yungbol of iBotModz.net



- Active Regenerators

- Gauss Turrets

- Vehicle Turrets

- Eggs

- Bridge of Warthog pallets

- Frigate (Up in the sky not in the way, it's just to block the sun)

- My name in an invisible box (which didn't come out too good lol)



- May be a bit laggy, it is for me sometimes not always.








Coming soon, anyone with a capture card please do this?



Request off me in a custom game ... GT: Chris Twostreet ... Fileshare link will be up by tomorrow.

UPDATE: http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...g=xxsn1p3k1ngxx


Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun.


Before you flame, I know it's not playable, it's my first mod


yungbol of iBotModz.net


Hmm...Kinda like the concept and *cough* compared to some other first mods and even some *coughcough* not-so-first-mods this is actually pretty good. If you don't mind, I'd like to make some suggestions:


FULLY block out the sun, more than 1 frigate mby?


Straighten the warthog pallets. I suggest place some weapon holders and put radio antenna's on top of them and replace the antenna's with the pallets.

  \ said:
Hmm...Kinda like the concept and *cough* compared to some other first mods and even some *coughcough* not-so-first-mods this is actually pretty good. If you don't mind, I'd like to make some suggestions:


FULLY block out the sun, more than 1 frigate mby?


Straighten the warthog pallets. I suggest place some weapon holders and put radio antenna's on top of them and replace the antenna's with the pallets.


my original idea was to make a bridge full of the eggs lol who don't love the eggs there great

Yea, but im not on Halo/Xbox this week. It keeps me from concentrating. Computers.. well im making sample coding for my exam, math im good for, and i already had my cooking. All i got left after tomorrow is English, then ill be making more playable mods!
This looks really good, but i wish you would have blocked out more of the sun The bridge looks fun too, if you filled up the holes on the other side with stuff you could have some sort of drag race thing out of it, with the passangers trying to kill each other through the race, and have walls so you cant get out, itd be pretty cool. But definate download keep up the modding

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