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Hi, im here to suggest an Ibotmodz.net support team. What the support team would do is, Help newer people to the site out by showing them around, Helping them with anything, Being friendly. Almost like a welcoming commity but a little bit more.


I know we have Global Mod's, And they are doing a good job btw And they can manage the forums when Mr. Peaches is busy.


The support team would be willing to help on any topic, Including.



Xbox 360

Xbox 360 modding

Xbox modding

PC help

Gfx help



Stuff around that matter, And the privlages wouldnt be much but here is my suggestive privlages.


Edit posts and pin topics.


I know what your thinking... We have moderators for that.... But maybe the moderators arnt always free, and dont know how to help people out with certian topics. [Not implying the fact your stupid im just saying ]


So, if you think that a support team to help newer people, and active members out is a good idea please post here.


Oh btw, Id love to be apart of this team if its consider'd! Personally not trying to sound too concieted, That id do a fantastic job and you wouldnt regret this.


Sincearly, - Eli


You have put alot of thought into this and i like it


but i think if we did do this we would do it at 3000 members


i really like it though, its just we dont want to many staff and what not but it would help new members


btw if anyone says Eli doesn't deserve this because he has 50 some odd posts dont even bother, eli has already contributed more to ibotmodz than some vip members, personally i think eli deserves vip but thats my opinion


-Legacy, keep on staying active eli



  \ said:
yea me 2 man i love i fell


wtf are you talking about?

Legacy, You just made my day! Thanks for the support, and your idea to 3000 members at first is very very smart. Maybe i should do some advertising. Legacy, think you could make a Ibotmodz.net Advertising tag for me? ill spread it around on other forums trying to bring in "Usefull" members and such.

>.> Kids like artsoto make me want to get chuck norris on them Heh.


Legacy, i think he's trying to boost his post count to access VIP at 100 Posts.... But anyways back on topic please, The support team would consist of 3-5 members and must be active everyday for atleast 2hours. Which is practially me Ha, Im always on, and since schools out of the way i can be super active WOOT ACTIVENESS! Ha, Well lets hope for the best guys!

  \ said:
Legacy, You just made my day! Thanks for the support, and your idea to 3000 members at first is very very smart. Maybe i should do some advertising. Legacy, think you could make a Ibotmodz.net Advertising tag for me? ill spread it around on other forums trying to bring in "Usefull" members and such.

k but no spamming

our advertisings is when make mod or something we say "this was made by Xx Legacy xX of iBotModz.net," and stuff like that


dont spam and i will make one soon later tonight probably, spamming gets sites really bad reps trust me we had one member spam another site and we got like spam bombed


oh and heres one i found



i will amke a better own, i just found that when i searched up ibotmodz on google images



  \ said:
>.> Kids like artsoto make me want to get chuck norris on them Heh.


Legacy, i think he's trying to boost his post count to access VIP at 100 Posts.... But anyways back on topic please, The support team would consist of 3-5 members and must be active everyday for atleast 2hours. Which is practially me Ha, Im always on, and since schools out of the way i can be super active WOOT ACTIVENESS! Ha, Well lets hope for the best guys!

i am active for more than 2 hrs a day lol

but i think we could try this


  \ said:
same here

you are warned for spamming,

dont do it again

We had 8383 something members at the old site, and it was intense with spammers everyday. It was fun actually. Point being, not much of this is needed until we grow more. As we grow more it gives me more incentive to add more features. The board is getting better and better. phpBB3 (we use) is fairly new and mods are rushing into production for it, and other words. Lots of stuff is coming.
Noooooo, im not going to spam it Lol. Im active on many forums, And im going to add it into my signiture on them. Im not those kids that spam forums as you can see , So no worries.
  \ said:
>.> Kids like artsoto make me want to get chuck norris on them Heh.


Legacy, i think he's trying to boost his post count to access VIP at 100 Posts.... But anyways back on topic please, The support team would consist of 3-5 members and must be active everyday for atleast 2hours. Which is practially me Ha, Im always on, and since schools out of the way i can be super active WOOT ACTIVENESS! Ha, Well lets hope for the best guys!

i am active for more than 2 hrs a day lol

but i think we could try this


  \ said:
same here

you are warned for spamming,

dont do it again


sorry i editted my post but after i posted i noticed 2 more replys so i didnt think it would be seen

Thats fine, And as for Ibotpeaches. I totally understand your standings on where we are on Ibotmodz.net so far. So a wait will be in order. All im looking for is, Your wording on this, Do you think this could be acceptable in the future? =]

Artsoto, You clearly are trying to boost your post since you didnt just read the following reply's, As Ibotpeaches said, There will be updates as the site grows so thats meaning there is a chance for it. Secondly, We havent even clarify'd that there will be such a team. And last but not least, Why would they accept someone, with such poor grammar and doesnt read? Sorry if that sounds like im flaming, but seriously....



Anyways, for future reference. This is going to be a good idea IMO. =] Yay for activeness woot, Im hyper. Hehehe IBOTPEACHES RULES.


its a really GREAT! idea dude.


so this crew would be like a specialized support team?


I would wanna be apart of the team if it ever comes to be. basically becuase i think i could fit into a role like that and would probably spend the rest of my free time on the site. rather than other things.


for this i think that it could be made from a couple other suggestions i have heard that follow the same idea. like the shoutbox moderators. thats part of what the support crew could do. and i think that maybe be able to give 24 hour bans. maybe.


for this group a couple people should have certain skill sets. like one member maybe should be able to GFX. so that we can help get the word out about IBM through sigs in other sites. like i mean maybe a couple of this crew could go around to other web sites and see if all the users are getting what they want. if not then one of the crew could tell them about IBM and that someone of our great staff could help. we could recruit more members like that.. a different member should know all about modding. stuff like that.


and the wait for more users is a good idea. and this group maybe should start out as something small and be added to with a certain amount of users like 1 moderator per 1000 users.


  \ said:
ething members at the old site, and it was intense with spammers everyday. It was fun actually. Point being, not much of this is needed until we grow more. As we grow more it gives me more incentive to add more features. The board is getting better and better. phpBB3 (we use) is fairly new and mods are rushing into production for it, and other words. Lots of stuff is coming.


this means there isnt a mod for something like this yet?



oh and sorry about any bad spelling or grammar. or disorder in my ideas. just pretty excited bout this.

  \ said:
I thank you for putttin the time and effort into your post Eli.


How would this work though?

Like another Moderator team?

something like that, but they can also help people


so like sub mod

umm i think we need to wait til 3000 members though

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