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Tutorials for importing characters


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~How to make imported characters use weapons~



After you have successfully imported a Single Player bipd, such as a Heretic Elite, ODST, Arbiter or any other character in insolence

You need to go to the weap tag and double-click the weapon or thing you want the bipd to pick up, such as a Flag, or Ball.



Then (using the flag for example) you would need to change the 1st [Weapon Type] from flag to pistol and the 2nd [Weapon Type] from 0.) Undefined to 3.) Plasma Pistol


~Brute in MP~


Needed: Dot halo, modded xbox, and insolence

step 1: open insolence

step 2: open the map gas giant and the multiplayer map you want the brute in

step 3: in gas giant go to the biped tag and drag objectscharactersbrutebrute over to your multiplayer map

step 4: close insolence and open dot halo

step 5: open the multiplayer map in dot halo and go to the biped tag

step 6: choose either elite mp or masterchief mp ( which ever you want to be the brute)

step 7: go to the dependencies window and change the hlmt to objectscharactersbrutebrute

step 8: also in the dependencies window, change the foot to effectsmaterialsobjectscharactersbrute

step 9: save changes, sign map, and ftp to your xbox

PS: the brute can not dule wield weapons and can only pick up sertain weapons and it also dosent show how much health he has but the brute can be killed


~Honor Guard fully usable in MP~


Platform:Halo 2


Description: This tutorial may seem useless to some of you but I had trouble getting the honor guard elite to work properly in MP until now so I decided to make this tutorial so that other people won't have the same headache i did. Done in 5 easy steps. There are no delays in throwing the grenade and you can use every weapon without having to change the weapon itself. And yes the helmet does come out an honor guard helmet every time Also has the right animation so that you can actually see melee attacks.

So without futher delay...


Step 1: Open up Insolence. Then open any SP map and whatever multiplayer map you want the honor guard in.


Step 2: Scroll down to the hlmt tag group and find objectscharacterseliteelite and click once to highlight it. Then drag it over to your MP map and wait until the transfer is complete. NOTE: If it asks to locate the single player map then locate it to complete the transfer. Once it's done transferring close the SP map because you don't need anything more from it.


Step 3: Go to the bipd tag group in your MP map and double click on objectscharacterseliteelite_mp or objectscharactersmasterchiefmasterchief_mp to open them. Switch to dev mode and got to all dependencies and find the hlmt dependency. Now double click it and replace it with objectscharacterseliteelite. Then go to all values and find "default" and change it to "honor_scl".


Step 4: Go to the transferred elite's hlmt tag and open it. Change to dev mode and go to all dependencies. Find the jmad depedency objectscharacterseliteelite and change it to objectscharactersdervishdervish.


Step 5: Resign, ftp, and enjoy.


~Play as any campagin character~


Programs needed



Any Map Resigner


First Things First Open Up a campaign mode map(EXAMPLE HIGHCHARITY) from where you want to get a character from.Next Open up the map(EXAMPLE (TRIPLICATE AKA TERMINAL) you want to have a campaign mode character in.Now Scroll Down to the biped tag in the campaign mode map.do the same for the multiplayer map.Next Double Click The Character from Highcharity or any other campaing mode map then dag a drop in the multiplayer map you have opend in insolence.Next a box Should appear and sya moving object blah blah blah this should take 30 minutes or longer depending on your comp.NOTE MUST HAVE SINGLE_PLAYER_SHARED.MAP FOR THE TRANSFER TO WORK. after the box is gone close both maps and insolence



Open the map you put the brute in just an example and go to tags and click biped and then double click the brute and go back to tags and copy the meta offset and paste over the elite mp or masterchief mp meta offset then click save changes and go to fixencryption and close the map then resign map in any program that resigns and ftp to your xbox.



you have to null sounds. go to the hlmt of transfered tag and null out the udlg. then click variation the all dependencies null out udlg. then look at the top and change 0 to 1. then all dependencies again. do this for all 0 through the last one


and also instead of pasting meta offset go to matg(globals) insolence and switch dev mod by clicking on where it says ifp. then click on unknown 8 and change the dropdown box at the top to 3 to change elites by clicking the bibed and changing to your desired character. you can do this with MC too but he is under 2 instead of 3.


~Add SP Object to MP~


Make sure you have the new program Entity


Open up the Single Player map with the BSP you want to convert.

On the left scroll down till you find the sbsp tag. open it.

Then click the bsp you want to convert.

Only some of the SP BSP's work, heres a list of what does work.















scenariossolo3a_oldmombasaearthcity_3b WORKS Mombasa Bridge -


scenariossolo5b_deltatowersbsp_02_transition WORKS SEA LEVEL


scenariossolo6b_floodzonesen_hq_bsp_5 WORKS










scenariossolo8b_deltacontroldeltacontrolroom_bsp3 --WORKS Control Room




Once you find the BSP you want, click it and a bunch of reflexives will pop-up. On the right side, click Recursive, and Parsed, then hit save. A pop up will ask you where to save it, just make a folder and let Entity do its thing. After it is done, Open up your multiplayer map (Gemini is a good one) and on the right side will be a button called build. Click it and locate the folder where you saved everything in there, then find the .info file. Click it. Entity should then build your new BSP into multiplayer.

You are all done, now all you need to do is find a spawn point in which you spawn on the new bsp


~Jackel in MP~


Step 1- Open Maps

First, open Insolence. Now, open the multiplayer map in which you would like to play as a Jackal. Also open any campaign map in which you encounter Jackal. For this tutorial I will use coagulation.map and 03a_oldmombasa.map.


Step 2- Drag & Drop

To bring the Jackal into the multiplayer map, you only need to click and drag only one thing over, and that is the biped tag.

Navigate to objectscharactersjackaljackal, left click once to select it, and then left click again on the tag and drag and drop it into coagulation.map's tag-list window.


Step 3- MoveBox

Each time you drag & drop a tag, a small status box will pop up to give you information about what the program is doing while you wait. The longest part is usually "Relinking" and it may seem like it froze.. It didn't, it just has to do a lot of file reading & writing at this point, so let it be. When the move is done, the box will go away.


Step 4- Closing Unneeded Maps

Now that you have copied the tags from the single-player map to the multiplayer map, you can close the single-player map (03a_oldmombasa.map) as you will not be needing it anymore.


Step 5- Adjusting the Biped for Multiplayer

Now you must adapt the biped so that it works correctly and looks sexy at the same time!

Locate and open the bipd tag "jackal". On the right side of the window you should see a large table filled with doodads that seem important.

In the Value column, change the following:

1. Next to Default Team, double-click on "7.) New Covenant" and change that to "1). Player"

2. Change the Grenade Velocity from 0 to 10

3. Change the Grenade Count from 0 to 4

5. Change the Jump Velocity from 2.1 to 3.08

6. Change the Max Hard Landing Time from 2 to 0

7. Change the Min Soft Landing Velocity from 1 to 1.5

8. Change the Min Hard Landing Velocity from 3 to 7

9. Change the Max Hard Landing Velocity from 6 to 12

10. (Optional) Change the Standing Camera Height from 0.6 to 0.62

11. (Optional) Change the Crouching Camera Height from 0.3 to 0.45

(Steps 10&11 make it so you see like an elite, if you want to see a jackal's point of view leave it alone)

Now you've adjusted it's stats to make it more or less equal to the multiplayer Elite.


Step 6- Setting the Permutation

Navigate to the hlmt tag for objectscharactersjackaljackal, and double click the tag to open it. Once it's open, click on the text that says "Edit Mode". When you click it, it should switch to "Dev Mode". What we are going to do now is set the model and sound dependencies by changing a string and all udlg dependencies to "sounddialogcombatelite_mp". Now you click on the blue "all dependencies" text. Change the nulled out udlg dependency to "sounddialogcombatelite_mp". Now click the blue Variation reflexive. From there, double click the value "minor", and type in or scroll to "default" (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!). Now click on All Dependencies and change "sounddialogcombatjackal" to "sounddialogcombatelite_mp". At the dropdown box, click on the down arrow and choose the next chunk (chunk 1). Click "all dependencies" again and change the udlg dependency from "sounddialogcombatjackal" to "sounddialogcombatelite_mp". Navigate to the next chunk (chunk 2) and click "all dependencies", and change "sounddialogcombatjackal" to "sounddialogcombatelite_mp".


Step 7- Fixing the Shaders and Effects

In the far left of the plugin part of the heretic.hlmt tag, under "Show", click "all dependencies", and replace the first Nulled Out shad dependency with "objectscharacterseliteshadersactive_camo". Now under Reflexives, click Unknown 2, and then in the plugin section for Unknown 2, click "all dependencies". Change the first shad reference to "objectscharacterseliteshaderselite_plasma_shield_fp", change the yyyy tag to shad and make it "objectscharacterseliteshaderselite_plasma_shield". Change the first Nulled Out effe to "effectsobjectscharacterseliteshield_damaged", change "effectsobjectscharactersjackalshield_depletion" to "effectsobjectscharacterseliteelite_shield_depletion", and change the remaining nulled out effe to "effectsobjectscharacterseliteshield_recharge". Change the next Nulled Out shad dependency to "objectscharacterseliteshaderselite_overshield_fp", and change the remaining one to "objectscharacterseliteshaderselite_overshield". Close the tag.


Step 8- Making the Jackal Spawn Instead of the Regular Elite

Navigate to the matg tag "globalsglobals", and open it. Switch to Dev Mode and on the left, choose Unknown 8 (right below "Player Information"). Switch to Chunk 3 and swap the bipd dependency from "objectscharacterseliteelite_mp" to "objectscharactersjackaljackal".

Close the tag.


Step 9- Fix Encryption

Select "Fix Map Encryption" from the Map Options menu, close the map, close Insolence and FTP it up to the Xbox.



If you have the Jackal Shield in the map sometimes it will randomly start with it.

Also Jackal have very small sheilds, like one snipe, anywhere, will kill them.


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