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ok since you all know bungie want to ban me(ShotSpartin1177) pimpin tyler,ambio sligstorm and more.

Beacuse of anthony, This is a consol ban so we all would need to get new xboxs and return these no one would know at eb games hopefully,So a couple of the modders like me sligstorm,shade45,shadowlag,and pimpen tyler have set up something if any of us modders get banned WE WILL RELEASE THE CON RESIGNER this is a warning to bungie to leave us modders be left alone and if they dont big conssequences are going to be happening like, game score maxed with achievments , highest ranks in all games, modding halo skate and all video game that are moddable,porn on halo3 film clips,porn 360 backround, names in halo like @#%$ head cock sucker.and more

custom bios and mottos with cussing allowed like in your motto saying @#%$ on my cock s*** head. and this will be the fault of bungie for banning one of our modders so bungie members if you ever visit this site and read this THIS IS A WARNING.


dude this is a bad idea! threataning a global company who have prosactued b4... not smart! just say sorry and only make mods in private... its not worth gettin a conviction over a video game! as for releasing the resigner, if you do dont just give it 2 any1...just the people who no wat 2 do with it
  \ said:
dude this is a bad idea! threataning a global company who have prosactued b4... not smart! just say sorry and only make mods in private... its not worth gettin a conviction over a video game! as for releasing the resigner, if you do dont just give it 2 any1...just the people who no wat 2 do with it


it will be mass released so that people who do not know can become a cool noob, (yes i said it) by modding online in front of friends, or advancing enough to mod in actual ranked games in ANY game. With the right people a resigner better than that of a CON Signer can be made if everyone gets it. Thats the idea. So this way microsoft is basically ruining their product.


Note: I just looked this up


Consoles sold as of March 2008 - 7 000 000 (Give or take a couple thousand)

Xbox 360 "Creation Price" - $700+

13 Month Sub. - $60-ish

MS Points - $15 - 60

Xbox 360 "Purchase" Price - $400-


Consider this, if they have to lose money to sell their product, wont they end up losing even more if they ban us.


If we get banned, we will promote not to use xbox 360 anymore, which will result in massive loss of money. They lost millions just selling the product, imagine what would happen if a sudden drop of people left. either way, i want to get banned it will just come right back at them

I think it would be best if bungie doesnt do anything, and people modding halo 3 can continue with it. I also think that people with resigners should just keep it to there selves and not give it to any more people. Who knows what would happen if some one released a public resigner. It would get out of hands and people would do exactly what you are saying.

Yeah I want you to post this on their forums. Say if you ban them from their forums for posting that, you will release the resigner also.


And yah. shotspartin you don't have a resigner so yah..

i got a msg from the bungie and they said if i "release" mods ill be banned ..... i never read Intentional leaking in the message sooo basicly dont put on file share and youl be fine
  \ said:
  \ said:
exactly what is the con resigner??

1 word... n00b.

Sorry, but who doesn't know what a con resigner is?

i'm not here for getting an insult maybe you are the biggest noob in the world


I'll recomend one thing PROVE BUNGIE THEY RE WRONG!


Just do some REAL mod, stop that s*** with CLONES everywhere just for proving you can mod, do some REAL mod with REAL stuff like a f*cking crazy pinball mod or i dunno but stop clones evreywhere, that's why bungie think you are kinda young boys playing with a new game


1) dont associate yourself with shadow lag, shad45, detox, or anthony.

2) if u get banned ill buy ur xbox 4 a reasonable price.

3) bungie u got pwnd


  \ said:
  \ said:
exactly what is the con resigner??

1 word... n00b.

Sorry, but who doesn't know what a con resigner is?

your a n00b also, u claimed that you could make projectile swaps.


Bungie is retarded yea they might have made halo 3 but guess what we asked for pelicans but we diddent get pelicans

we asked for scarabs WE DIDDENT GET SCARABS we asked for shadowdropship WE DIDDENT GET SHADOW DROPSHIP.To my perspective i think bungie is gay and retarted. and yes i do have a resigner and so dose every body else they just dont know is a resigner i told skippper what it was diddent tell him how to use it though.


yea we did ask for a lot of things that they didn't listen to at all...

instead they gave us equipment......


which now all i ever die to is the damn equipment whores.

portable regen is prolly the gayest thing they ever could have made.


lifts, trip mines, bubble shield, and portable cover is the only thing they should have put in multiplayer.

power drains and regen is the thing everyone whores themselves out to and i have decided not even to walk near their spawns bc there will be a guy from the other team just sitting there camping it.


a man with regen and a sniper at long range should never die while that regen is up.

Theres only a handful of people with Con resigners, but theres probably 100's with the modding tools, if bungie ban the few, the resigner will be released causing hundreds of new modders, not just modding for fun.

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