XXlMODDERlXX Posted May 27, 2008 Report Posted May 27, 2008 ok ya kinda silly but im making a story, iv got to wait for more memory so i can download photoshop and make sigs like i wanted to so heres the beginning and please dont laugh if i do get it complete it could become successful heres chapter one (might make it longer) Quote A Story (not named yet),Chapter 1:All the people of the world werent the same, we were all diffrent and we acted in diffrent ways.On December 8,2012 life had become diffrent from the human race and all of its know surrondings had changed..Life on earth had evolved into something new...called AnnaRoids..Humans had been trained to defend not only for them selfs but the surrounding area they were by.There DNA has been fused with animal dna that scientist could only dream of today.Now..the humans that were left on earth had to defend them selfs and protect what was left of there familys...this..is the story..of what happened on that day of Decemder 8,2012 and the following days after...this is there survival..there story....
Xx Legacy xX Posted May 28, 2008 Report Posted May 28, 2008 u got a talent a little bit corny (no effence ) but were you watchi ng family guy last night *anna roids* when peter does the king and i and anna is a robot lol
subs_55 Posted May 28, 2008 Report Posted May 28, 2008 not bad better then i could do, a little un original but your no stephen king so that make it good. love to hear more of it soon.
XXlMODDERlXX Posted May 28, 2008 Author Report Posted May 28, 2008 finally! some one that will post! thanks idk i just came up with the idea and i have got chapter 2 done now here it is Quote Chapter 2:''How long you plane on leading us out here?'',''Look we will be fine if we keep are hoods on they wont notice us...''...Hi..my name is Gordon..Im recording all my thoughts and recordings of are journey as we pass threw the lands..ohh..sorry i almost forgot, my groups names are jack neckless, he was once a intellegent scientist untill he got his funndings cutt and had to find some group to follow..Then we have Jackie lerron..she use to be a lawyer back in the days..when the days were good..but after her divorse she had to find a group like us..Then last but not least theres Derrick Flanler..we found him in a broken old pick up truck and thought to bring him with us..he never talks to any one..We are have been walking over the ocean over New York City..yes..it had be come a desert.I should get started on how it all came up like this. On Decemder 5,2012 the goverment sent out a warning to the world explaning they had release a Animal DNA into a human creating these so called IAID..Inhuman.Andriod.Injected.DNA...Humans were taken from the streets as tested subjects to the goverments will.They were injected with Animal DNA which was none as ANA..Once injected the human skin would transform into something unholy to human eyes and ruining gods holy creation of humans...Once the transformation was complete..there would be nothing left of the human..just the bear animal within..Then they would apply a chip and see if they can with stand the power of the chip pulsing threw there brain..if they passed then they would be suited up and sent to do the goverments every bid..if they didnt they would be burned so theres no chance of them ever returning..But on December 6,2012 the entire system for the for the chip went hay wire and backfired and made the the IAID's..kill what ever they wanted...Two days after..the human life had to defend for there life..for when the humans are injected with this ANA..they can not die..they do not have feelings..they will kill anything..after that the entire world climate changed..no one can tell why..people thing it was the act of god punishing us..i think its the earth geting back at us once and for all..
XXlMODDERlXX Posted May 28, 2008 Author Report Posted May 28, 2008 \ said: u got a talent a little bit corny (no effence ) but were you watchi ng family guy last night *anna roids* when peter does the king and i and anna is a robot lollol it came from the top of my head so i used it
crazyeightz Posted May 28, 2008 Report Posted May 28, 2008 this isnt to bad at all. how many chapters you doing?
XXlMODDERlXX Posted May 28, 2008 Author Report Posted May 28, 2008 \ said: this isnt to bad at all. how many chapters you doing?idk i was thinking about 20 im glad some one likes it
Quinn Posted May 29, 2008 Report Posted May 29, 2008 It's pretty cool, kinda scary that they can't be killed, if I were in that world, I'd keep an Ak47 or Ak74 (yes there is a difference, bullet caliber is the main thing ) and a Desert Eagle
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