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Hi guys, I downloaded engineer but I can't use it, it's VEEEEEEEERY DIFFICULT as you can think...however, trying to mod sandtrap, I think I nearly modded the warthog's texture: when I go near the destroyed phantom, appears on the warthog a sort of beam rifle's shot...ghosts, a game error, an hallucination ? I don't know..... Can you help me ?
  \ said:
lol. That resigns .CON files, you are modding a .MAP file. Which hasn't been done yet.

So I need a .MAP resigner and not a CON resigner...

  \ said:
you cant mod with engineer .. well u can swap stuff with proper plugins but there isnt a .map resigner released anyway

I can mod with engineer, it is a modding program, Anthony and Shade modded halo 3's maps using Johnson or Engineer...I'm looking 4 a person can use it or better use both

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