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All Halo 3 Mods (U.T.D.) Brand New

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  \ said:
I have heard of some underground direct link downloads like what your talking about, so it can be done, im just not sure where to look or how to do it, but i have faith that you can or find out how to. Keep up the good work.


I've been looking into a way to libcurl (copying a site, without using it) to host all modded maps here. On a separate sub-domain that requires invite-only to get into. To prevent Bungie, and I think it was easy. I already am almost done.

  \ said:
  \ said:
I have heard of some underground direct link downloads like what your talking about, so it can be done, im just not sure where to look or how to do it, but i have faith that you can or find out how to. Keep up the good work.


I've been looking into a way to libcurl (copying a site, without using it) to host all modded maps here. On a separate sub-domain that requires invite-only to get into. To prevent Bungie, and I think it was easy. I already am almost done.


That sounds like a pretty good solution to having threads shut down. Glad your working on it .

you need 2 update this i have blackout with cell towers all over and some on sandtrap and 1 on guardian and some on construct and a bunch more so who ever is updating this u need 2 pay attention
  \ said:
you need 2 update this i have blackout with cell towers all over and some on sandtrap and 1 on guardian and some on construct and a bunch more so who ever is updating this u need 2 pay attention


Look if you want some of these on there then they either have to be "RELEASED" or have been out for a while. I don't want it to look like this is a leaking site and give us a bad rep. So if you want maps posted then mail me the link in a pm.

  \ said:

1.Added Modded Picture Section

2.Added Copyright Protection

3.Added Copyright to IbotModz, and XboxTampers.


yay, you added the picture section. greeat. .


PS: for the post about copyright.


He copyrighted his post to himself, if anyone were to copy it, and repost it, other than himself, he can sew you for copyright infringement.



~I said he copyrighted his POST.



Some of you guys are angry at ***** for stealing your mods but then you guys go ahead and steal ours

so that makes you guys just as bad


P.S if you had permission from mxrider than im sorry

we don't have to steal mods, whether we have permission or not, if someone managed to get the map from live, and sent it here, then MFone would've uploaded and made a post with it. Thats all. Im not sure if he had permission or not though.
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