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New Theme.



Type: Suggestion




[ When your free ]


















I think we need a new theme. This one just doesn't cut it. Other sites have really nice ones. http://www.phpbbhacks.com/ Look there. They have nice mods and themes.



http://darcnetworkz.com/- Looks Great!




Created by iBotModz post generator


I thought i would try this gen. I'll keep my post updated on themes i find.


i dunno. i dont mind the current theme... and i know curtis wants a darker theme.. like dark greys and blacks. in my opinion the dark colors are so standard.. all i see with new sites are dark colors.. so... i dont really know were i stand on this.


but itz all good


Haha theres a reason they are dark.




Why don' we get our oh so speacial "gfx" team to make us some images for the theme.


And there is such a thing as multiple themes "Bradley".


Just take a look at some of them. Even a lighter theme would look better than this.

yeh i dunno. like i said i am still undecided... i dont really just stop to look at the theme ever so.. ha well i dunno. i will think it over... one thing i would like to see is more vibrant colors! make it look attractive
the reason dark themes are usually lame are because the colors are usually grey, darker grey, darkest gray, black and white. with maybe a red or something..... the good dark themes have decent amounts of brighter color. with some imagery to spice things up.
  \ said:
  \ said:
Yay! someone used my post generators!!!


haha thats quite on topic


Yeah its on topic. I did use the gen. Not many do.




Do any of you want a new theme.


This theme is web 2.0 which I yet to see in any other style out there. The darcnetworkz theme was for v-Bulletin and irrelevant to the topic and we could never use.


The other link I'm not browsing for anything, where were you when I ask people to pick a theme? They did and this was the outcome.


I'm not asking for you to leave. I just got mad when nobody had any input on the theme when I get so much crap about it. So I believe snowmon and someone else voted a theme and Glacier (current theme) happened to be the top phpbb3 one currently. And its web 2.0. Who could ask for more?


Please stay.


Sorry i wasn't around to vote.


Looked cool at first... I guess. I almost want to change with brightness of the screen when i log in.


Theme has great features yeah i agree. Its really slow on old computers (even lite version).


But seriously. I put my imput into this site and it gets ripped to bits. Like every time. I don't think there is a single member on this site who was respect for me. So why am i dumping hours everyday into it? I don't know.


And do you really think i'm going to leave after two years? I've been active here longer than some of the staff.


Is there anything i can do for the site? Or for you even better. So other members dont see it and rip it to bits.


Its too bad that none of our members can code/html the site. You have so much work to do and everytime we ask you to do something it takes a while and you dump alot of time into the site.



So seriously...


What can i do?


Gfx- I suck

Codeing- Can't

Posted s***- Doesn't matter.

Help users- Doesn't matter.


Maybe if we had a mechanic section or something but this site is all about modding. I love halo 3 ALOT but what good does that help.


I haven't came up with a good reason to stay lol. Now that i think about it. All my class time goes into here. (lowering my marks) and it takes up my free time. All for little bits of info that i can find on other sites.


Ugh. I'll post more later. Should find me something to do.




Haha. That's all i've got to say.


Both of you have done nothing to show it.


And why the hell would you respect me?? Seriously.

All i do is consume bandwith. And rack up a sick post count.


And how can you guaruntee that he respects me? Maybe he will say he does. Now only becasue you posted that he does.




Haha yeah.


But anyways. I think im going to go to bed now.


But i might cya tomorrow.


Im thinking of just taking a big "vacation" for like half a year.


Then i can spend more time with School, Gf, Car ect...


But Pm me if you think i can be useful in anyway.


I'm out.

  \ said:
I'm not asking for you to leave. I just got mad when nobody had any input on the theme when I get so much crap about it. So I believe snowmon and someone else voted a theme and Glacier (current theme) happened to be the top phpbb3 one currently. And its web 2.0. Who could ask for more?


Please stay.


I am just wondering why we don't have more then one theme to choose from. If its to save bandwidth I'll help pay for more but I only get $15 week....


hmmm yeh.... curtis... i dont know what to say...


you are helping because... you have alot of respect on here because if you didnt noone would even consider the stuff you suggest... you are giving good ideas that might attract new users and make the site look better...


as for coding and stuff i am sure me and you could learn if we helped each other...


and gfx you just need to practise. like your kirby sig was really great. i am sure you could make many more like it...

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