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Refer to the New (U.T.D.) post

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awesome thanks! btw, i copied ur gamertag into people finder on bungie an it cant find u :s can u put a link 2 ur share wen u upload it so i can get it? hope u will



  \ said:
I have one where the guardian turrets, the ones outside the map, are on the map. I hope its the one with the Shade turret and sniper towers.

Can you share the guardian one? And yes its the one with the sniper tower as you can see from one of the previous posts.

  \ said:
Its on my share now RtG Swimmer FS ModBound 001

I misread you i thought you had guardian. And BTW the Shotspartian is not a good version if you look a few posts down there is a picture of the good one.

  \ said:
what do you mean?

niellsss said host it if you want i dont mind, they said the reason they arent hosting it isnt because they thought niellssss didnt want them to, its because they dont want to. Correct me if im wrong.

yea or maybe give him a helpful poster medal(OMGZZZZ!!!! MEDALLLSSSSSS!!!) and the snowbound V1.1 is just when you try to save the modded one during the game so maybe you should remove so you have room for others
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