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got me this.




An account that I've had since 2005. Now perma banned. All XBOXes in my apartment perma banned and my account.






What did I do?


Xbox live messaged the guy with Halo 4. Asking if he would upload Halo 4. Then I said, do you know how. Here is the name of a program. Then I sent him another message saying you (he) would be famous.


Lots of mistakes made, but you know what Microsoft? I pre-ordered Halo 4 LE Console, and bought every Halo ever, and you perma banned every console in my apartment. Low. Low. Low. Not to mention that account is 6+ years old. What the hell is up with perma bans? No one bans for a year anymore.

Just seen this, they have no right to ban you, theres nothing in the code of conduct stating you can not send a message to somebody on xbox live, call them, state your claim, and get unbanned, soliciting, account theft, and phishing dont fit the reason you were banned, you have a case there mister peaches.

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