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Why are there no DS mods?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
yeah ive lookd too cuz after hacking my ipod i started looking for mor connections and i dont think theres firmware ones because theres no hard connection from ds-pc as in the psp (via internet)
  xValidToasterx said:
idk why a person would want to mod a DS i dont see the point in it.

Actually its pretty cool my lil brother uses his as a Phone/Web browser/music player/And he can get on msn with it.

  StevenSVE said:
I seen a guy mod a DS by putting an ipod software in the DS. The ipod screen is on the top and the controls is in the bottom, its sick!

Lol its not ipod software its just a skin for moonshell :p or its just a homebrew ipod look alike

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

LOL, i remember when i got into DS modding. I guess I do have a purpose on here instead of lurking. The only firmware hack for the DS is FlashME, which can remove the startup screens and enable quicker booting from slot-2 devices, such as supercard. And the iPod lookalike is just a media player, not nearly as good as Moonshell. If anyone plans on getting a flashcart to play roms and homebrew, etc, get a CycloDS evolution from realhotstuff.com Best deal ever. Also, you may heard about people running windows on the DS, well, guess what? It's fake. Windows is x86,and the DS is ARM7 and ARM9, and you cannot convert it to play because of ram issues, even with the EZFlash 3 in 1. If anyone needs to know anything else, pm me.

BTW, for you to use your ds as a phone, you have to pay, and its not even that good, plus, the MSN messenger app for the DS no longer works. If you get a flash cart, download DSOrganize 3.1129 from Dragonminded.com,not 3.2. 3.2 Is buggy as hell and is currently being worked on by some of my friends. Remember, pm me if you need any more info

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Buy a R4DS card and If you have a Micro SB card, put it into the normal SB card. Download a rom. put it on the card. Eject. Put Micro SD card into open slot in the corner of the R4DS card. Put in the DS and play. Roms are games to iPods to web browsers and all that stuff. Just google NDS roms.
i love the ds but i got it in 2nd grade and im in 5th so i dont play it much i cant believe they (nintendo) havnt made another hand held yet i play mostly wii and 360 but i got the wii 2 years ago so i dont play it as much but now i do because i just got mario kart wii for it ds is a really good system though

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