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XM360 v0.3


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Team XeDev released XM360 v0.3:

This includes all of the features of XBLA Unlocker previously released by dstruktiv.

The additional "Collection Management" is contributed by node21.


What's new/fixed (v0.3)

* Changed source of data so now we have released date, rating (0 thru 20), and number of ratings

* The "B" button will change what you are sorting on (title, release date, rating, number of ratings)

* MAKE SURE that you delete your old xbla_titles.csv on the root of your USB drive if you have one there

* New script to recreate the database is included, but it take *MUCH* *MUCH* longer to run if you need to run it (you should only need it once a week or so when new titles are released, if you care to be that up-to-date)


Official Site: n/a, by Team XeDev

Download: n/a (built with XDK)



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