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[Req]First gamesave editor on C# - help

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Hi, i want to make a simple app for changing "Gald"-(money) amount in "Tales Of vesperia" game save, in c#.

I am only a beginner at this, i hope this lil app will be a good practice for me.


The app would look something like this (nothing fancy)


I just quickly made this in MS visual studio 08 - pro, but the problem is obviuosly in coding it.

Let my start-off by saying i have no clue on how actually this gamesave-editing should work, tho i do have a guess other apps like this change the hex value at a certain address to a wanted-one is that about right ?


I've found a very similar application to what i want to achieve - exept for a dif game (prototype)

Where Dakote Provided a code for it

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text

Public Class Form1

   Public fileName

   Private Sub btnOpen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpen.Click
       Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog
       If ofd.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
           fileName = ofd.FileName
           Dim fs As New FileStream(ofd.FileName, FileMode.Open)
           Dim br As New BinaryReader(fs)
           Dim length As Long = fs.Length

           br.BaseStream.Position = &H666 'HeX Offset
           Dim EP As Byte() = br.ReadBytes(666) 'lengh of EP allowed
           txtEP.Text = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(EP)

       End If
   End Sub

   Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
       Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(New FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))

       bw.BaseStream.Position = &H666 'EP Offset
       Dim EP As Byte() = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(txtEP.Text)
   End Sub
End Class


And i was wondering if i could modify this so that it would work for me. Could any one highlight to what i should be paying attention?

Sorry for noob'ish questions - im new to programing and this forum :unworthy:

P.s Please excuse my english grammar - it isn't my first lang.

P.p.s Manual hex editing for this game works i allready tested it out.

Posted (edited)


First offset - 70335

Second offset - 70362


And it is actually called gald not gold :)

Edited by zzz
Posted (edited)

Here you go - dummy save just at the start of the game. Gald is set to 999999

Should find 3 values From the top;


1st one is just a text that show how much gald you have when loading up game - but doesent actually change the gald value itself

2nd value is the gald in the game (the one i was talking about in #3 post)

3rd i havent tested it out yet (but dont think it has anything to do with gald at all)


EDIT: what now Dakote? is it possible ? :)

DummyToVsave.rarFetching info...

Edited by zzz
  On 8/27/2009 at 9:17 PM, SotG Caboose said:

Why are you calling it yours if someone is going to code it for you?

Ehm i dont know where you got that impresion from - it's not like im gonna release it or anything claiming i made it. Im plainly intereseted in how game editors like this are working, so that i could one day maybe code my own one. For today im only experimenting, now i just want to see how Dakote modified that code from working on Prototype to this game. :) Hopefully Dakote will show us 2moro.


Well im not really sure if this is correct way to find offsets- what i did is just moved the mouse to the line where the gald value is, and it just showed the offset. is this the correct way of finding it ? (look at the pic)


Also could this be a problem because the value streches over 2 offsets (The highlited hexvalue is 999999 in the pic) and as you can see it goes from 70335 down to 70362 offset.

What can i do more to help ? sry for noobish questions :X

P.s for saves to work on the game i need to use hash block calc - is it possible to include such feature into apps like this, so that it i'll be like all in one?


Posted (edited)

Yeah, sorry. I was looking for unicode or ASCII. it's in hexadecimal.


And no, that Hash Block Calc is Supermoders work. I don't have permission to use his rehashing method.

Edited by Dakote

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