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  On 7/30/2009 at 9:34 PM, miinaturvat said:

but in your video, you said it was done on a retail xbox...


<dramatic music>Dum dum duuuum!</dramatic music>



Anyway, will you tell us exactly where the triggers are and everything, so we can see for our selves?


Of course you won't.


Because you know it's not real, and you are too scared to back out now and admit you lied.


i said that to prove i didnt do it on pnet, i dont think you understand what i was trying to say in that sentence.

Posted (edited)

KIWI says:


1. No Triggers

2. the "floor" in the building are triangles thrown outside the BSP (if I made you brainhurt please stop reading)

3. The assult rifle is wtf

4. No tag exist for Scarab/Diffrent gun all the stocks.

5. I dont give a shit about this vid, so ppl stop messaging me about it kthxbai?

Edited by IDecatur
Posted (edited)

#incluse <stdio.h>

char	hisMap[];

int	halodu03de( char* mapName )
return( 0 );

int	main( int argc, char** argv)
sprintf(hisMap, "theOneInTheVideo");
if( halodu03de( hisMap ) == 0 ) {
	printf("His map is modded!");
} else {
	printf(It's not modded.);
return( 0 );



Well, I compiled it and ran it, and it told me that "His map is modded!", so he must have modded it! Because, as we all know, computers don't make mistakes!



Edited by miinaturvat

Even better.

The idea that 1 person out of everyone that plays halo after 2 years finds the gun. AND the fact that he is the ONLY one that seems to have found this gun, even after he posted the video.

  On 7/31/2009 at 10:02 PM, Dakote said:

He has to start in dash, load h3, do the glitch, get the gun and shit. Show it was on live with 4 people in the game, 1 has to be me.


rogue if u havnt noticed u dont like me and i dont like you so leave it. ive given enough proof, im not giving a tutorial. whoever finds it first gets the prize and credit, because before i found it on retail i went in to make sure it was there and able to pick up, so in a way i cheated. i did get it on retail but i dont think i deserve credit for finding it totally legit. Also they are location triggers. the skulls arent needed they just make it easier to get the triggers. I've already shown greensquad, glory(which we found togeather on retail), and bloody (3 people without devs who i trusted not to release a tut).

  On 7/31/2009 at 10:07 PM, halodu03de said:

rogue if u havnt noticed u dont like me and i dont like you so leave it. ive given enough proof, im not giving a tutorial. whoever finds it first gets the prize and credit, because before i found it on retail i went in to make sure it was there and able to pick up, so in a way i cheated. i did get it on retail but i dont think i deserve credit for finding it totally legit. Also they are location triggers. the skulls arent needed they just make it easier to get the triggers. I've already shown greensquad, glory(which we found togeather on retail), and bloody (3 people without devs who i trusted not to release a tut).


Well get them to post on here, saying its not on a dev.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/31/2009 at 10:08 PM, iTzoODavidOo said:

Well get them to post on here, saying its not on a dev.


v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v


  On 7/30/2009 at 7:39 PM, daCOOKIEman258 said:

This is bloody satan (dont ask me why im on this account lol) I know for a fact that this is real. We all know Glory is an extremely poor Puerto Rican and can't afford a dev kit. So, this was done on retail. Halodu03de even showed me in campaign. You all are foolishzorz. First of all, Rogue probably didn't have the skulls on in that video. Second, he did not use the trigger to disable the death barriers in there. Once you have activated the trigger and you have the skulls on, you are free to glitch into that room and freely use the scarab gun as you please :)


thats bloody

Edited by halodu03de
  On 7/31/2009 at 10:16 PM, Dakote said:

Go you can get your "friends" to lie. (he prob payed them ;) )


>> well you cant tell me how i would have done it to mod it, and i have given plenty PLENTY of proof, so i guess until someone else finds it no one will know because im not releasing a tut.

Posted (edited)

Let me share my post from Bungie.net to end this giant ridiculous war between everyone :p


Posted by: I Jiralhanae I

That's the secret assault rifle. It's there, I've seen it, people have known about it.



It is by no means a Scarab Gun. Also, that video includes noclip, which is a mod. I do believe that is against the rules here? If not, then you should probably put a warning on it anyway, seeing as it has some blammable words in it.


(Also, that kid can't spell. Seriously.)


Alright, let me explain something to the kids who don't know anything about modding:


-This is on an Xbox 360 Development Kit, which can run unsigned code. "noclip" is not a dev command, and he simply modded his crouch speed.


-For the most part, it seems as though Bungie does not care about mods as long as they don't disrupt another player's game experience


-You guys are like, "OMG MODZ! REPORT! BAN!" Cry about it if you feel that way, and file a report or a complaint if it really offends you that much. Microsoft won't do anything about it, nor can Bungie (unless they feel like banning you from matchmaking)


-You know you would mod too if you could


-Modding to get in to somewhere that seems nearly impossible to get in to doesn't affect the item's significance



halo2de gave 2 vids with proof that is GOOD proof as to why rouges video is wrong. i believe halo2de


You sir, are wrong. I've been talking to halodude on MSN a lot lately, and the "method" and "triggers" to get in there seem like complete BS to me.


I'll also explain why this couldn't be a Scarab Gun


Here comes the wall of text:


Think about in Halo 2, how the Scarab Gun was in a spot that everyone could get to fairly easily with no "triggers" or glitching of any sort. Remember what type of gun it was too? A Plasma Rifle. Which shoots plasma. If I remember correctly, plasma weapons don't pick up ammo, which is why they gave the Scarab Gun infinite ammo.


The Scarab Gun was also it's all weapon, which meant that it was completely different from every other Plasma Rifle in the game, now this AR on the other side (if what I'm interpreting from Halodude and ActualGlory is correct) is "triggered' to become the Scarab Gun. Mind explaining why there's no Scarab Gun in the .map file then, and nothing in the scripts?


Back to the if theory. If this was a Scarab Gun, then it could cause some problems based on Haldude and ActualGlory's story. They claim that the projectile is swapped or something among those lines, but wouldn't that mean that the Marine's would shoot out Scarab Rounds, too? I don't remember seeing any Marines shoot any Assault Rifles in either of the videos.


But they had a video of them shooting a regular AR then shooting teh Sc4rab Gunz!


Real time modding on a development is possible, ya know. This means that they get ready to swap the projectiles, and as soon as they pick up that weapon, they swap it in less than a second.


Also, how would you get ammo? It would require special ammo since you couldn't use the Assault Rifle's ammo, and would need to pick up a form of "Scarab Ammo" as I wish to call it.


Here is another reason as to why it couldn't be a Scarab Gun:


Like I said, in order for it to be a Scarab Gun among the type they said it was [simple projectile swap] then the Marines, like I said, would shoot out Scarab Plasma [or whatever the hell you want to call it] too, resulting in epic lag, and your console crashing or something. Not fun, right?







Edited by CLK Rebellion

Let me share my post from Bungie.net to end this giant ridiculous war between everyone :p




You sir, are wrong. I've been talking to halodude on MSN a lot lately, and the "method" and "triggers" to get in there seem like complete BS to me.


How the hell does it seem like BS i have been giving you hints and everything. apparently i cant trust anyone anymore...


I'll also explain why this couldn't be a Scarab Gun


Here comes the wall of text:


Think about in Halo 2, how the Scarab Gun was in a spot that everyone could get to fairly easily with no "triggers" or glitching of any sort. Remember what type of gun it was too? A Plasma Rifle. Which shoots plasma. If I remember correctly, plasma weapons don't pick up ammo, which is why they gave the Scarab Gun infinite ammo.


Halo 3 is completely different from halo 2. it even has a new engine. just because things seem like they make sense doesnt mean they do. why do you think that a scarab gun has to be a plasma gun, its a scarab beam coming out of a small weapon it doesnt even make sense in the first place. and just because they dont pick up ammo doesnt mean they dont loose charge like a real plasma rifle. plus, the scarab guns in halo 2 were just placeholders, so they needed to have infinite ammo(from what i have been told).


The Scarab Gun was also it's all weapon, which meant that it was completely different from every other Plasma Rifle in the game, now this AR on the other side (if what I'm interpreting from Halodude and ActualGlory is correct) is "triggered' to become the Scarab Gun. Mind explaining why there's no Scarab Gun in the .map file then, and nothing in the scripts?


If i am correct, there is no "Anti Air Wraith" in the .map file. It is completely scripted to become an AA wraith, no one can spawn an AA wraith, they need a script to go along with it. Also, please tell me how there is nothing in the scripts, because from what you are saying it doesnt sound like you know much about halo 3 map files. You dont even know how to read the scripts, nonetheless read through over 500 of them.


Back to the if theory. If this was a Scarab Gun, then it could cause some problems based on Haldude and ActualGlory's story. They claim that the projectile is swapped or something among those lines, but wouldn't that mean that the Marine's would shoot out Scarab Rounds, too? I don't remember seeing any Marines shoot any Assault Rifles in either of the videos.


the trigger makes the AR a Scarab gun. if what your saying is correct, then if they made the AA wraith with scripts, that would make all wraiths AA wraiths, which doesnt make sense. you can apply things to individual objects, without affecting the others of the same object.


But they had a video of them shooting a regular AR then shooting teh Sc4rab Gunz!


Real time modding on a development is possible, ya know. This means that they get ready to swap the projectiles, and as soon as they pick up that weapon, they swap it in less than a second.


You are right i have no way to prove i didnt rth other than my word.


Also, how would you get ammo? It would require special ammo since you couldn't use the Assault Rifle's ammo, and would need to pick up a form of "Scarab Ammo" as I wish to call it.


I think its funny how you just assume things. Why would it require special ammo? just because it has a different projectile doesnt mean it needs special ammo. if i change the projectile of a BR to shoot needler projectiles in a map, BR ammo still works with the "projectile swapped" BRs.


Here is another reason as to why it couldn't be a Scarab Gun:


Like I said, in order for it to be a Scarab Gun among the type they said it was [simple projectile swap] then the Marines, like I said, would shoot out Scarab Plasma [or whatever the hell you want to call it] too, resulting in epic lag, and your console crashing or something. Not fun, right?


You just repeated what you said in different words. And no it wouldnt create a lot of lag, showing once again you dont know much about modding(although you don't have a kit.)






You mind explaining to me why my second proof video is wrong? you didnt say one thing about any of the facts in the video which are the most important facts in order for it to be real...

there is so assault rifle variant in the .map file that contains such properties. The gun doesn't exist in the tag system or on the single player shared. You fail. No matter how many walls of text you post, you are wrong, you are flaunting yourself, you need to shut up and admit how wrong you are.
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