360 Posted June 28, 2009 Report Posted June 28, 2009 Me and my friends love using proxies at school so i decided to post some really good ones...enjoy 1.PROXY SERVERS TopFreeProxy.com 2.Myspace Proxy ScrewBlocks.info - Unblock MySpace | MySpace Proxy 3.ProxIt.info 4.LIST PROXIES 5.Free, fast, anonymous web surfing! 2
fattwam Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 Since im in the proxy Biz i thought id post here are the newest proxies i have made esses.info (US, Glype) getto.info (US, Glype) guessed.info (US, Glype) guesses.info (US, Glype) imsly.com (CGIProxy) invades.info (US, Glype) lalal.info (US, Glype) lelel.info (US, Glype) lulul.info (US, Glype) lylyl.info (US, Glype) proxiest.info (US, Glype) proxyest.info (US, Glype) slypast.com (CGIProxy) slyuser.com (CGIProxy) Or Any of these proxies all support Youtube...well they should jesusunblock.com (US)proxy2.me (US)thetunnelrat.com (US)troymcclure.info (US)ktunnel.netproxy-anonyme.fr (FR)youtubeproxy.mobi (US)barrenrealm.com (US)l-tunnel.comgeekunblock.com (US)liveprx.info (US)anonymousproxy.biz (US)fast4all.com (US)ktunnel.com (US)usatunnel.com (US)applehide.info (US)r-tunnel.com (US)chocolateicecream.info (US)itsfabulous.info (US)codepsi.com (US)doorsproxy.info (US)iraniproxy.com (US)safeprx.info (US)unblockyoutube.tv (US)betterunblock.info (US)facebookunblock.biz (US)bypassunblock.org (US)proxysurfs.com (US)d3b.us (US)uniquecover.info (US)surfingfun.info (US)horceracing.info (US)hidemybox.com (US)doitgreen.us (US)wurmworld.info (US)cell44.net (US)urprxe.info (US)x-it.us (US)newuseronline.info (US)w-tunnel.com (US)proxys.name (US)myspaceprxe.info (US)aname.us (US)awesomeentry.info (US)trabzon.us (US)stealthfinder.com (US)mfp.hostwindsor.com (US)prxehome.info (US)somethingcrazy.info (US)cybergoblin.com (US)unblock-8e6.com (US)sslproxy.ws (US)hypercloak.com (US)httpproxy.biz (US)youtubevideos.name (US)internetunblock.com (US)unblockutopia.com (US)frankiethesquealer.info (US)digiunblock.com (US)unblockmyspace.me (US)nicecleanfun.info (US)unblockexpress.com (US)serverproxy.biz (US)slope.wsv-tunnel.orgamericanproxy.us (US)unblockwebsense.comdrawaface.info (US)runningwithmatches.com (US)hotsurflive.com (US)apcalculus.infoevilpinkbanana.com (US)proxybutton.com (US)proxunlock.info (US)safehazard.com (US)comicbookguy.info (US)clearlysuss.info (US)workingfacebookproxy.com (US)dickvandyke.info (US)newprxe.info (US)drhibbert.info (US)exla.net (US)superlowtech.info (US)filtersneak.orgcyberunblock.com (US)mapleunblock.com (US)filtersneak.comlockeddoors.info (US)unblockbypass.info (US)cgiproxy.us.com (US)newbackdoor.com (US)dragonballthemovie.org (US)youtubeproxy.ws (US)jivefestival.com (US)videoproxy.tv (US)0pm.biz (US)websnork.com (US)magicmunchkin.info (US)galproxy.info (US)bestprxe.info (US)unblockyoutube.name (US)atkati.com (FR)greenproxy.us (US)cantspellit.info (US)trevorhull.info (US)bumblebeeman.info (US)getaroundblock.com (US)chiefwiggum.info (US)otunnel.netfirstgarantee.com (US)englishtunnel.com (US)unblockwebsense.info (US)vmathpie.com (US)myspacedoors.info (US)unblockmyspace.ws (US)beatthat.info (US)hostunblock.com (US)blockthem.info (US)youtubeunblock.comserverproxy.me (US)proxroll.info (US)oneracingsite.info (US)youtubevideo.name (US)smartunblock.com (US)youtubevideos.me (US)internetholiday.info (US)baywatchnights.info (US)misshoover.info (US)jtunnel.net (US)rocketunblock.com (US)howtounblock.net (US)rowg.net (US)goofoffworld.info (US)grampasimpson.info (US)canadaunblock.com (US)bl0.us (US)unblockjesus.com (US)geotunnel.com (US)homersdonuts.info (US)backfox.com (US)wuxihold.com (US)jedicloak.com (US)mileysupersite.com (US)talonvision.com (US)gohotpizza.info (US)anon5.com (US)instantunblock.com (US)unblockdirect.com (US)berserkwow.info (US)excellentunblock.info (US)falconsee.com (US)supersuss.info (US)pagecleaner.info (US)ipodtunnel.com (US)pureparishilton.com (US)biao.us (US)hidemaina.info (US)vtunnel.infocrankypants.us (US)dumbperson.info (US)youtubeunblock.net (US)coolbutcute.com (US)wuxifinger.com (US)proxydailymotion.com (US)bestprx.info (US)getpastwebsense.com (US)ztunnel.org (US)unblockbess.org (US)youtubeunblock.biz (US)youtubevideo.me (US)extrawiggle.com (US)unblockthatworld.info (US)cutebutsexy.com (US)awesomeaccess.info (US)anonymouswebbrowse.com (US)supertokens.com (US)getaroundfilters.info (US)unblockingsites.info (US)proxy2private.com (US)speedygoo.com (US)youraccesspass.info (US)j41.net (US)safelizard.com (US)unblocknation.com (US)barneygumble.info (US)gewl.net (US)iransproxy.com (US)mathblows.info (US)sneaklooks.info (US)sneakypeek.info (US)tankproxy.com (US)unblock8e6.net (US)unblockalot.com (US)herbertpowell.info (US)supermanvideo.com (US)safeforwork.nethujiko.com (US)scienceblows.info (US)evilegg.info (US)schoolworksucks.com (US)diablomoney.info (US)prxroll.info (US)worldgonemad.info (US)pagegoo.com (US)evadeunblock.com (US)clevermonkey.info (US)rtunnel.comfreshbutpretty.com (US)unblockplanet.com (US)24proxy.comq-tunnel.com (US)bypassunblock.net (US)coolaccessnow.info (US)proprx.info (US)i-tunnel.netnothingbutcute.com (US)facebookproxy.mobi (US)fastprx.info (US)hostcloak.com (US)unblockingwebsites.info (US)failingmaths.com (US)ultraunblock.com (US)pagewipe.info (US)hostcrawling.com (US)superbunblock.info (US)shortbump.com (US)netmedianow.com (US)reverandlovejoy.info (US)ftunnel.com (US)workingmyspaceproxy.com (US)peoplesproxy.com (US)xgear.us (US)myprxe.info (US)proxycover.com (US)unblock-websense.com (US)gtunnel.comgeneralcuster.net (US)ib18.biz (US)circumventer.info (US)bypassproxy.net (US)ahuman.us (US)sonicunblock.com (US)unblockhulu.info (US)ghostclick.com (US)m-tunnel.commashedbanana.info (US)billandted.info (US)getgoinggone.info (US)trevorhull.com (US)slyuser.comfbprx.info (US)losingmymind.net (US)glypeproxy.com (US)vtunnel.tvbankwoes.com (US)thecolorgreen.us (US)mrteeny.info (US)b-e-b-o.net (US)englishblows.info (US)jtunnel.comwebcacheurl.com (US)anonimowosc.org (PL)j-tunnel.comn-tunnel.com (US)k-tunnel.com (US)slypast.comsuperaccess.info (US)thelovetunnel.com (US)secureunblock.com (US)proxymyspace.ws (US)twitterproxy.org (US)yougotonline.info (US)avoidfiltering.com (US)bypassingfilters.com (US)jazzcelebration.info (US)moespub.info (US)anythinggreen.us (US)coldspaghetti.info (US)fundtrouble.com (US)wtunnel.netghosthide.info (US)timelast.com (US)i-demokratie.net (US)bluesuede.info (US)mathtunnel.com (US)shadowbolt.org (US)discostu.info (US)fattony.info (US)fraction.wsthro.info (US)wuxicloak.com (US)unblockfast.info (US)amazingspeed.net (US)unblockyoutube.ws (US)thunderunblock.info (US)tropsd.info (US)workingproxy.net (US)audioworldusa.com (US)easyprxe.info (US)bonnaroo.us (US)g-tunnel.commarioallstars.com (US)easysecurity4u.com (US)overridewebsense.com (US)kungfuwuxi.com (US)sideshowlukeperry.info (US)gigaunblock.com (US)unblockwebsense.net (US)goofout.info (US)vtunnel.uslinear.wsdragonballmovie.biz (US)0ab.us (US)dotsmovie.com (US)ipproxy.info (US)littlemissninja.com (US)mayorquimby.info (US)youcanemail.info (US)circumventors.info (US)goofaway.info (US)netcacheurl.com (US)ihide.us (US)factorial.ws (US)shoetheory.com (US)prxelive.info (US)sideshowbob.info (US)pirateunblock.com (US)smartrooster.info (US)ftunnel.net (US)bubso.com (US)prxcover.info (US)newanonymous.com (US)goofoffsite.info (US)proxy-gratuit.fr (FR)doorsunblock.info (US)mediaunblocker.com (US)malibustacy.info (US)vpntunnel.netyoutubeproxy.name (US)mp3tunnel.com (US)unblock8e6.com (US)coolsneaky.info (US)myproxy.ca (US)blockthat.info (US)simpsonsfansite.com (US)gigtunnel.com (US)ptunnel.com (US)nerodvd.info (US)unblock-myspace.org (US)snapunblock.com (US)apushistory.infofastunblock.info (US)24traffic.infotheprx.info (US)johnnytightlips.info (US)twitterproxy.biz (US)apbiology.info (US)cloakninja.com (US)sneakyfreak.info (US)apchemistry.info (US)premiumsautoinsurance.com (US)funhide.info (US)freemusicstore.info (US)railgod.com (US)allaudiodirect.com (US)dataencrypt.us (US)getlostonline.info (US)sideshowmel.info (US)punkfestival.info (US)filtersneak.bizastronut.us (US)groundskeeperwillie.info (US)unblockevade.info (US)avoidfilters.info (US)escalona.us (US)easyprx.info (US)jimbojones.info (US)prxepro.info (US)bestmileysong.com (US)atunnel.com (US)professorfrink.info (US)unblockbess.comlennyleonard.info (US)radius.wstopcatsales.info (US)proxywebsites.ws (US)fm2.us (US)bored-at-school.co.uk (US)glype.ws (US)dnsutopia.com (US)martinprince.info (US)lostwebpage.info (US)anysubject.org (US)unblokme.info (US)filtersneak.netlivenetplays.com (US)fastpizzadirect.info (US)fleischmanndirect.info (US)h-tunnel.com5z5.us (US)mariogold.com (US)newprx.info (US)calculatepie.com (US)dailymotionproxy.com (US)24topproxy.comflamingportal.com (US)wtunnel.combeatthis.info (US)myspaceproxy.name (US)hostbypass.com (US)instantproxy.us (US)internetevade.info (US)slimtrust.com (US)creditbailouts.com (US)theunblock.com (US)travelproxy.us (US)ixit.us (US)proxyeye.com (US)bypassunblock.info (US)safesearch.info (US)simpleunblock.com (US)imsly.comunblockevade.com (US)extrawiggle.info (US)wentinsane.com (US)shpadoinkle.info (US)talonvision.info (US)unblocklightspeed.com (US)websenseavoid.com (US)ntunnel.netp-tunnel.com (US)nufec.com (US)workingyoutubeproxy.com (US)totalunblock.com (US)rtunnel.netdigitalunblock.com (US)netroadtrip.com (US)overrideblock.comltunnel.net (US)santaslilhelper.info (US)unblockyoutube.mobi (US)apliterature.infountack.com (US)surfcontrolbypass.com (US)bughide.info (US)filtershekan.biz (US)mathisbad.info (US)wizproxy.comsciencesucks.info (US)computerunblock.com (US)rocktheprox.com (US)lionelhutz.info (US)monkeyfunky.co.uk (US)geocitiesj.com (US)unblockfacebook.name (US)surfanywebsite.com (US)ejbusiness.com (US)urlunblock.info (US)meatballpizza.info (US)vtunnel.bizchese.us (US)proxymix.com (US)htunnel.netunblockyoutube.org (US)myspaceproxy.mobi (US)seefastcars.com (US)chunkychicken.info (US)diablogold.info (US)hyperunblock.com (US)ninjawuxi.com (US)apenglish.inforedhotautos.com (US)millhousevanhouten.info (US)ltunnel.comhansmoleman.info (US)proxyprivate.info (US)ipzap.com (US)o-tunnel.comblockthis.info (US)youtubeunblock.org (US)askmegreen.biz (US)dotnetvacation.com (US)bigcoolfun.info (US)myspaceproxysite.net (US)evadefilters.com (US)prxcon.info (US)coolnetaccess.info (US)getlostfast.info (US)clickcop.com (US)beatfilters.com (US)principalskinner.info (US)unblock-bess.com (US)getproxy.us (US)radioactiveman.info (US)bypassproxy.biz (US)fimpo.com (US)nu3ga.com (US)gimia.com (US)getaroundfilter.info (US)theprxe.info (US)porkypiglet.info (US)simplehide.info (US)estud.info (US)guardster.com (US)t-tunnel.netsunburst.us (US)filtershekan.ws (US)unblockfacebook.mobi (US)sweetproxy.us (US)yoursuss.info (US)sneakzorz.comfiltersneak.usnetworkunblocker.com (US)otunnel.comdragonballevolution.biz (US)superwiggle.info (US)ntunnel.comgraph.ws
Korupt Data Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 i just put xp on a usb drive and booted from that
fattwam Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 i used xubuntu not xp i find it boots faster
lostmodz26 Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 lol, I'm the computer guy in my school and well I told everyone that I could "hack" computers to get the myspace and I opened up CMD and typed ipconfig and everyone was shocked and they thought I was hacking. Then I went to "getus.info" and it worked on myspace. That is how you impress people.
BTKC124 Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 On 6/29/2009 at 7:14 AM, lostmodz26 said: lol, I'm the computer guy in my school and well I told everyone that I could "hack" computers to get the myspace and I opened up CMD and typed ipconfig and everyone was shocked and they thought I was hacking. Then I went to "getus.info" and it worked on myspace. That is how you impress people.LMFAO
Justrec Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 To bad we are all out of school for the summer. >.<
ICookModz Posted July 19, 2009 Report Posted July 19, 2009 Quote To bad we are all out of school for the summer. >.< your Kidding Right?
miinaturvat Posted July 19, 2009 Report Posted July 19, 2009 Well, I have no idea where I got this from, but here's a text document containing a list of 4,224 proxies DO NOT let your teachers get a hold of this list. They will probably block every one of them enough.txtFetching info... 1
Slidell Posted July 19, 2009 Report Posted July 19, 2009 On 7/19/2009 at 8:26 AM, ICookModz said: your Kidding Right? I'm not it's July.
Decatur Posted July 19, 2009 Report Posted July 19, 2009 On 6/29/2009 at 7:14 AM, lostmodz26 said: lol, I'm the computer guy in my school and well I told everyone that I could "hack" computers to get the myspace and I opened up CMD and typed ipconfig and everyone was shocked and they thought I was hacking. Then I went to "getus.info" and it worked on myspace. That is how you impress people.That's called being a skid and showing off to idiots. People do it all the time at my school, and when I call them on it, they look stupid. It's fun if your actually bypassing a filter and not using a proxy
miinaturvat Posted July 19, 2009 Report Posted July 19, 2009 (edited) On 7/19/2009 at 4:57 PM, Fatal Error said: That's called being a skid and showing off to idiots. People do it all the time at my school, and when I call them on it, they look stupid. It's fun if your actually bypassing a filter and not using a proxy You mean like discovering that the crappy admins at my school left the routers password as admin, then completely disabling the filter in such a way that they didn't know how to re-enable it again? That's always fun But then again, it's what they get for blocking youtube Or do you mean like changing the access rights so that students have admin rights and admin have student rights? That's fun too. They had to get me to fix that one for them They were very pissed off. Edited July 19, 2009 by miinaturvat
Decatur Posted July 19, 2009 Report Posted July 19, 2009 I got suspended for changing my privelages to admin. Then they got pissed when I disabled their program to to view my screen. Then they got even more pissed when I disabled the deepfreeze whilst I disabled their programs and installed counter strike source on 6 computers, then reenabled deepfreeze. It took them 3 months to remove it. I also stole a CRT monitor from school. Noone questioned me when I left the fourth floor of my school with a CRT in my arms, walked to the parking lot, put it in my brothers trunk, then went back into school for the rest of the day.
miinaturvat Posted July 20, 2009 Report Posted July 20, 2009 On 7/19/2009 at 10:14 PM, Fatal Error said: I got suspended for changing my privelages to admin. Then they got pissed when I disabled their program to to view my screen. Then they got even more pissed when I disabled the deepfreeze whilst I disabled their programs and installed counter strike source on 6 computers, then reenabled deepfreeze. It took them 3 months to remove it. I also stole a CRT monitor from school. Noone questioned me when I left the fourth floor of my school with a CRT in my arms, walked to the parking lot, put it in my brothers trunk, then went back into school for the rest of the day. Talk about lack of security... what do they use to view your screens at your school? They use something called 'Lanschool' at our school. the packets aren't encrypted, and you can capture, modify and send them back to the teacher
lostmodz26 Posted July 20, 2009 Report Posted July 20, 2009 On 7/19/2009 at 4:57 PM, Fatal Error said: That's called being a skid and showing off to idiots. People do it all the time at my school, and when I call them on it, they look stupid. It's fun if your actually bypassing a filter and not using a proxy Everyone in my school is half-retarded, remember I'm only in 7th grade and I'm 13. I can type 90WPM (really short words) in this program called Mavis Beacon, and I finished half of all the lessons in the first week of school and everyone was all up in my ass for being such a good typer. Before my teacher assigns a PowerPoint project she asks me to make an example presentation and that is my grade. I'm not kidding, but at first I thought that everyone would think I have no life because I know so much stuff about computers, but people like it. People pay me money to do their work, seriously, thats how I get my Microsoft Points. There's this group of kids that gave me 20 bucks each to do all of their work for the entire year, I'm dead serious.
Justrec Posted July 21, 2009 Report Posted July 21, 2009 Ah, so you're the nerd that bullies pay to do their homework while they are out having a life.
Decatur Posted July 21, 2009 Report Posted July 21, 2009 On 7/21/2009 at 2:31 PM, Justrec said: Ah, so you're the nerd that bullies pay to do their homework while they are out having a life.User Justrec has been banned for 12 hours.
Justrec Posted July 21, 2009 Report Posted July 21, 2009 On 7/21/2009 at 5:17 PM, Fatal Error said: User Justrec has been banned for 12 hours. K.
360 Posted July 26, 2009 Author Report Posted July 26, 2009 Fatal Error, I don't know if you really did ban him for 12 hours, but why would you, He was probably just joking around, But I don't see why you would ban him even if you did, because He is cool! 1
fattwam Posted July 26, 2009 Report Posted July 26, 2009 This thread have gone off topic from the original post. Therefore it has been closed. Thanks
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