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Rep Stimulus Packages


Ever Since The Placement Of IPB3 I Have Noticed almost No Use of the Rep System!


No One is using it and that effects everyone so i was thinking we should have Stimulus packages Like:


  • Topic Stuck : 5+
  • More Than 25 Replies to a Topic : 3+
  • Recommend Tut : 5+
  • 100 Hours Of Activity (Actual At Your Computer Not Idle) : 10 +
  • Helpful Reply : 1+
  • Reporting 10 Bugs : 1+
  • 25 Helpful Topics (Programs, Computer Support, Game Guides/Mega Treads ) : 5+
  • GFX BFF (Make Someone a Sig) : 3+
  • Flame Proof! (Make 100 Posts in a Row Without Flaming!) : 3+

Tell Me What You Think!

  On 6/28/2009 at 6:44 AM, TheEazyB said:

Why call it a stimulus package?


I have no clue where this member is from, but in Australia the Government gave all tax payers $900 to "stimulate" the economy, that was called a Stimulus Package.


So I guess he wants to try stimulate the use of Rep system by giving free shit away.

  On 6/27/2009 at 4:45 PM, xpargas said:

That would make it too easy to get VIP


How about you just make helpful posts?


I Have Seen Many Helpful Posts and the member has 0 rep


  On 6/27/2009 at 5:03 PM, Korupt Data said:

yeah you can only get 10 +reps a day....


Valid Point but in the final version you may get like 3 in a month


  On 6/27/2009 at 5:53 PM, Dan said:

An OK idea, atleast it's encouraging people to be helpful and active. Helpful and active people = VIP.




  On 6/28/2009 at 2:34 AM, .Slackââ¢Â  said:

I like the Idea, its like an achievement system


Thats What i was thinking of (=



  On 6/28/2009 at 7:57 AM, SmokiestGrunl said:

I have no clue where this member is from, but in Australia the Government gave all tax payers $900 to "stimulate" the economy, that was called a Stimulus Package.


So I guess he wants to try stimulate the use of Rep system by giving free shit away.


Yeah Like in A Third World Contrives Rich Contrives Gives them money so it Gives the initial push to start a good economy.

**** paying for rep, that would be the most pointless thing of life, so many new VIPs. Just make good posts and hope people know how to use the rep system.

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