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I know i'm not the most reputable person mainly due to my lack of posts, but i can confirm that this works, although i have not tested with a modded save, I have tested it with the save ddxcb2 posted on se7ensins, and it loaded as halo on legendary difficulty. To use the program for those that say it doesn't work, you must load your own personal file then save Id's. Then open the save that you want to resign and load your Id's, then click resign, then click save. That's it, it's pretty self-explanatory (I wrote this for nubs.) All we need now is a whole slew of modded campaign saves and this could be extremely fun. (in my opinion)
  KP Romplestein said:
I know i'm not the most reputable person mainly due to my lack of posts, but i can confirm that this works, although i have not tested with a modded save, I have tested it with the save ddxcb2 posted on se7ensins, and it loaded as halo on legendary difficulty. To use the program for those that say it doesn't work, you must load your own personal file then save Id's. Then open the save that you want to resign and load your Id's, then click resign, then click save. That's it, it's pretty self-explanatory (I wrote this for nubs.) All we need now is a whole slew of modded campaign saves and this could be extremely fun. (in my opinion)


Where in our hdd exactly would be put the campaign save? Like would we just put it in the same place as we do the maps?

this is soooo confusing. So can i just take a normal campain save then mod it then resign it with this or does it have to be off a dev then i just resign it with my ID's
  Boosie♥ said:
You don't mod the actual save. You get someone with a devkit to make a modded campaign map, and then save a check point and send it to you. Then you resign it and play it on your xbox.



So which one of you kind devkit owners is going to do that for me.

  iTzoODavidOo said:
So which one of you kind devkit owners is going to do that for me.

I will give it another try if you would like apart from the previous save i posted in case you have any specific requests.Try not to get out of hand with it as im still doing you a favor.

  KP Romplestein said:
I know i'm not the most reputable person mainly due to my lack of posts, but i can confirm that this works, although i have not tested with a modded save, I have tested it with the save ddxcb2 posted on se7ensins, and it loaded as halo on legendary difficulty. To use the program for those that say it doesn't work, you must load your own personal file then save Id's. Then open the save that you want to resign and load your Id's, then click resign, then click save. That's it, it's pretty self-explanatory (I wrote this for nubs.) All we need now is a whole slew of modded campaign saves and this could be extremely fun. (in my opinion)

can you post a dl link to the ddxcb2 save?

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