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Posted (edited)

Its really pissing me off when people don't even know what winrar is, so What I propose is when new members join, give them a welcome PM with info that they need.

Maybe something like this:


Hello, and Welcome to Ibotmodz
Before you begin posting, please read the following:
If you want to mod Halo 3 or other games, you will need the following:
[url="http://www.engadget.com/2006/04/11/datel-xsata-connects-xbox-360-to-pc-via-usb/"]XSata[/url], [url="http://base.teamxbox.com/blog-post/tag/SouthPaw/10/11-01-2006/p1/"]Xport[/url] or a [url="http://www.xbox.com/en-US/support/systemuse/xbox360/console/datamigration.htm"]Microsoft Transfer Cable[/url]
An Xbox 360 Hard Drive (20gb, 60gb, 120gb ect...)
[url="http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=10851"]Resigner and Rehasher[/url]
Various modding programs depending on the game
Please read our Xbox 360 Modding tutorials and help sections before posting asking for help
Ibotmodz Staff



Edit: added a few links, the resigner was the first one that came up

Edited by XxQuinnzoxX
  Random1225 said:
That might be a good idea except people might not read the pm. Whenever I sign up on a site I just ignore the welcome pm if they have one.

You need to make it mandatory to read it somehow

  iBotPeaches said:
I can add that mod easily. I think we could add global links to it, since not everyone joins for H3.

I know, but you gotta admit probably 90% of people do

  Fatal Error said:
you should do links to them to...



Yeah, I'll edit and put those in


  iBotPeaches said:
Yeah that seems smart. Please don't contribute unnecessary ideas.


  Curtis said:
FAQ might be helpful, most people don't read them tho.


Man,that's like instructions no one ever reads them until there ******.


I think a PM is the way to go people might not notice it though.

  GMOF Slidell♥ said:
Man,that's like instructions no one ever reads them until there ******.


I think a PM is the way to go people might not notice it though.

I think as soon as you join and log in for the first time you sould be auto re-directed to the PM/Message somehow

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