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VB Download File From http (Save-As)

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Ok so here is what I have happening. When you have a menu strip setup, you can easily do the hidden web browser code to have it where you click on a file in the menu strip and click on a download button somewhere on the app, it will then download the file you have clicked on in the menu strip after an IE save window pops up. Now I have a new code listed below:


		Dim SFD As New SaveFileDialog
	SFD.Filter = "rar files (*.rar)| *.rar"
	SFD.FileName = "File Name"
	If SFD.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.Cancel Then
		My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("File URL", SFD.FileName, Nothing, Nothing, True, 100, True, FileIO.UICancelOption.ThrowException)
	End If

Below is what I am trying to do now:

This code works perfectly fine if you are wanting to have it so when someone clicks the link in the top menu strip it downloads instantly with a progress bar and no had problems at all. But when I try to set it up so you click the file you want in the menu bar and then below that is a download button which brings up a Save As window, and that is where my problem is because I can't get that way setup. I was also wanting to know if anyone knew if it is even possible to do it this way.


Thanks to anyone who tries to help.

EDIT: I just noticed that I didn't post this in a support section so if this needs to be moved feel free to move it.


EDIT 2: Nevermind I just figured it out.


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