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Insert Links

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This tutorial will teach you how to add your own custom links to the top of the IPB Default Skin. (IPB 2.2.x and IPB 2.3.x)


To begin, log into your Admin Cpanel, and select Look & Feel from the top tabs.


You will be presented with a list of your skins. To the right of the window, you will notice a grey box, with an arrow indicating a drop down menu. Click this, and select Edit Template HTML.


You will then be presented with a list of different template bits. Choose the top one (All Global HTML) and then select global_board_header.


Find this:

<div class='ipb-top-right-link'><a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=Help">{$this->ipsclass->lang['tb_help']}</a></div>
	<div class='ipb-top-right-link' id="ipb-tl-search"><a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=Search&f={$this->ipsclass->input['f']}">{$this->ipsclass->lang['tb_search']}</a></div>
	<div class='ipb-top-right-link'><a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=Members">{$this->ipsclass->lang['tb_mlist']}</a></div>
	<div class='ipb-top-right-link'><a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=calendar">{$this->ipsclass->lang['tb_calendar']}</a></div>

These are the links which are currently at the base of your banner. As you can see, they are Help Search Members Calendar.


To add your own link, use the below code as a guide.


<div class='ipb-top-right-link'><a href="link_goes_here.php">Link name</a></div>

Press Save Template Bit at the top of the edit box, and refresh your forums. You will notice that your link is now added to the top. You can also add extra items, such as images and drop-down menu's.


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