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5% of teens would cry if they saw Miley Cyrus at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. Copy and paste this if you are in the 95% that would shout "JUMP BITCH JUMP!!!!
  7331loser said:
Think that's Backwards... -95% of teens would cry if they saw Miley Cyrus on top of a SkyScraper, Copy and Paste if you would be the 5% to say. "JUMP BITCH! JUMP!"



  Dark Slipstream said:
lol, if Miley Cyrus says she was going to jump, more than 70% of the teen population around the world would cry.


If she did jump, more than 80% would cry.

Did you read mu post or Just Decide to look at the pretty pictureS?

Thats when I say-post-8944-1242077361_thumbjpg- Hey!!!! Boss Nass, Lookin' um..... Thin?

  Dataanti said:
5% of teens would cry if they saw Miley Cyrus at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. Copy and paste this if you are in the 95% that would shout "JUMP BITCH JUMP!!!!
.no she is fit , I would telll you to jump.

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