Slidell Posted May 10, 2009 Report Posted May 10, 2009 (edited) know what it could be it could come out on a disc in August . It will likely take place in Point Lookout Maryland.A bundle of Broken Steel and Point Look on DVD is available for preorder in some stores, such as eStarland, MSN Shopping and Bountii. <br><br>Bethesda Software Pete Hines has stated that there are no announced plans for additional DLC. While this is true, it does not actually deny (or confirm) any rumors regarding Keep your fingers crossed that there's more info,the four or five people that post in these topics.**** YEAH it's been confirmed. Point Lookout will be the fourth Fallout 3 downloadable content pack, to be released in late June 2009 for the Xbox 360 and Games for Windows Live. The PlayStation 3 version is to be released after the first three DLCs have been released. The DLC will cost 800 Microsoft points or $9.99. It is being designed by Joel Burgess and Nate Purkeypile. Point Lookout takes place in the Fallout equivalent of Point Lookout State Park, Maryland a new swampland area filled with new quests and content. Its incarnation in the Fallout setting is supposedly more of a "seaside vacation town with a boardwalk" and said to have a larger landscape with a "swampy-horror vibe" to explore New locations New perks New quests and side quests New weapons and armorYou can see some new clothing in the pic looks like a hoody and some,what are those things called that you wear when you go into lakes and stuff idk.<br><br><b>Tribals</b> refers to the name given to rural inhabitants by thosestill living in urban areas. They have shrugged off many modern ways ofliving, and returned to a simpler hunter-gatherer mentality. Tribalsoften look upon the traders and occupants of cities with disdain,viewing their way of life as "scavenging the dying corpse of the oldworld." Despite the fact that tribals are generally healthier and inbetter physical condition than their urban-dwelling countrymen, theyare viewed with disdain and often hostility. It is not unknown fortribals to be captured and put to work as slaves. This unfortunate factgoes some way towards explaining the animosity between urban dwellersand tribals.<Crow was a tribal. New location TheDuchess Gambit is a ferry which will appear in the DLC and is operated by Tobar. Shack The Mansion The BoardwalkThis is first location you'll discover upon arriving in Point Lookout via the <i><a href="" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow">Duchess Gambit</a></i> from the Capital Wasteland. The boardwalk is home to the few vendors found in Point Lookout. Because the area has no caravans, this is reportedly the only place in which you can buy and sell goods in the DLC. <br><br> Weapons<br><br><b>The <b>Double-Barrel Shotgun</b><br><br></b>The weapon has already been shown in the official trailer. Knowing that it has a longer barrel, and that the hail has to travel farther before it leaves the barrel, it appears to be more accurate, with increased range and presumably do more damage than its sawn off conterpart<br><br>An Axe.<br><br>A shovel<br><br>A repeter Rifle.<br><br><img src=""><br><br>You can also see the Civil War hat.<br><br><b>Items</b><br><br><b>Punga Fruit</b><br><br><br><b>NPC's</b><br><br>Tobar<br><br>Desmond<br><br>Desmond is a ghoul that before the War he was a secret agent (******* cool) Now he lives in the Calevert mansion His home is constantly being attacked by a <a href="" title="Tribal" class="mw-redirect">tribal</a> cult that want to gain some secrets hidden within its walls. He is shown shortly in the trailer. (about 18 seconds in)<br><br>Clothing<br><br>Civil War Hat.<br><br>MQ<br><br>[/b]<b><a href="" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow">The Local Flavor</a></b> <br> <br> <br> 20 <br> <a href="" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow"><img src=""></a> <b><a href="" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow">Walking with Spirits</a></b> <br> <br> <br> 20 <br> <a href="" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow"><img src=""></a> <b><a href="" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow">A Meeting of the Minds</a></b> <br> <br> <br> 20 <br> <a href="" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow"><img src=""></a><br><br>Achievements.<br><b><a href="" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow">Bog Walker</a></b> Discover all locations within <a href="" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow">Point Lookout</a> 40 <a href="" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow"><img src=""></a><br><br>Random other stuff New Traps<br><br>New perks<br> WTF is going on? Oh **** this man it's going to take for ever. Edited June 13, 2009 by GMOF Slidell♥ 4
DarkRuler Posted May 11, 2009 Report Posted May 11, 2009 (edited) Here's some info about Point Lookout, Maryland ________________________________________________________________________________ Will there be an Asylum full of Ghouls? ________________________________________________________________________________ Heres some more \+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/|=============================================================|/+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\Since Im so nice, I will try and fix the above post You know what it could be it could come out on a disc in August. It will likely take place in Point Lookout Maryland.A bundl1e of Broken Steel and Point Look on DVD is available for preorder in some stores, such as eStarland, MSN Shopping and Bountii. >Bethesda Software Pete Hines has stated that there are no announced plans for additional DLC. While this is true, it does not actually deny (or confirm) any rumors regarding Keep your fingers crossed that there's more info,the four or five people that post in these topics.**** YEAH it's been confirmed. Point Lookout will be the fourth Fallout 3 downloadable content pack, to be released in late June 2009 for the Xbox 360 and Games for Windows Live. The PlayStation 3 version is to be released after the first three DLCs have been released. The DLC will cost 800 Microsoft points or $9.99. It is being designed by Joel Burgess and Nate Purkeypile. Point Lookout takes place in the Fallout equivalent of Point Lookout State Park, Maryland a new swampland area filled with new quests and content. Its incarnation in the Fallout setting is supposedly more of a "seaside vacation town with a boardwalk" and said to have a larger landscape with a "swampy-horror vibe" to explore New locations New perks New quests and side questsNew weapons and armorYou can see some new clothing in the pic looks like a hoody and some,what are those things called that you wear when you go into lakes and stuff idk. Tribals refers to the name given to rural inhabitants by thosestill living in urban areas. They have shrugged off many modern ways ofliving, and returned to a simpler hunter-gatherer mentality. Tribalsoften look upon the traders and occupants of cities with disdain,viewing their way of life as "scavenging the dying corpse of the oldworld." Despite the fact that tribals are generally healthier and inbetter physical condition than their urban-dwelling countrymen, theyare viewed with disdain and often hostility. It is not unknown fortribals to be captured and put to work as slaves. This unfortunate factgoes some way towards explaining the animosity between urban dwellersand tribals.<Crow was a tribal. New location TheDuchess Gambit is a ferry which will appear in the DLC and is operated by Tobar. Trapper Shack The MansionThe Boardwalk This is first location you'll discover upon arriving in Point Lookout via the Duchess Gambit from the Capital Wasteland. The boardwalk is home to the few vendors found in Point Lookout. Because the area has no caravans, this is reportedly the only place in which you can buy and sell goods in the DLC. Weapons The Double Barrel Shotgun The weapon has already been shown in the official trailer. Knowing that it has a longer barrel, and that the hail has to travel farther before it leaves the barrel, it appears to be more accurate, with increased range and presumably do more damage than its sawn off conterpart A Shovel A Repeater Rifle you can also see the Civil War Hat ItemsPunga Fruit NPCs Tobar Desmond Desmond is a ghoul that before the War he was a secret agent (******* cool) Now he lives in the Calevert mansion His home is constantly being attacked by a Tribal Cult that wants to gain some secrets hidden within its walls. He is shown shortly in the trailer. (about 18 seconds in) ClothingCivil War Hat Quest Achievements The Local Flavor Walking With Spirits A Meeting of the Minds Non-Quest Achievments Bog WalkerDiscover all locations within Point Lookout New perks ===============================================================\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Special: Point Lookout Trailer Check here frequently for updates Edited June 14, 2009 by DarkRuler 3
Quinn Posted May 12, 2009 Report Posted May 12, 2009 This had better come out, I love the current DLC but more is better
Random1225 Posted May 12, 2009 Report Posted May 12, 2009 I want them to come out with an expansion like the Shivering Isle for Oblivion. It was more than just three quests and it was fun to do stuff there afterward.
Slidell Posted May 12, 2009 Author Report Posted May 12, 2009 I think that may be what point look is.
Quinn Posted May 12, 2009 Report Posted May 12, 2009 I like the Pitt, I go back there and turn those usless .50mm rounds into .44 magmum rounds
Random1225 Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 Broken steel is kinda fun. I haven't beaten it yet, but the weapons and stuff are cool.
Slidell Posted May 13, 2009 Author Report Posted May 13, 2009 There are also a few side quest 3 to specific.
Quinn Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 GMOF Slidell♥ said: There are also a few side quest 3 to specific.I did them all quite quickly, they seemed like an afterthought
Quinn Posted May 20, 2009 Report Posted May 20, 2009 GMOF Slidell♥ said: UPDATE it's been confirmed.*Does a little dance*
Dan Posted May 25, 2009 Report Posted May 25, 2009 Sticked as requested, will be updated when more info is released
Slidell Posted June 2, 2009 Author Report Posted June 2, 2009 Yeah the pic is wrong but I'm keeping it up there because it's cool.
lostmodz26 Posted June 3, 2009 Report Posted June 3, 2009 Meh, I think about downloading it, maybe the Pitt..but i dunno.
Slidell Posted June 6, 2009 Author Report Posted June 6, 2009 (edited) UpdaTE Edited June 6, 2009 by GMOF Slidell♥
Slidell Posted June 13, 2009 Author Report Posted June 13, 2009 WTF is this shit anyway I'll fix/update
Slidell Posted June 14, 2009 Author Report Posted June 14, 2009 On 6/13/2009 at 9:40 PM, XxQuinnzoxX said: Why did this wonderful topic go to hell? No ******* clue,but I'm not going to bother fixing it. 1
DarkRuler Posted June 14, 2009 Report Posted June 14, 2009 As my first thing of being back here (Ive been kind of busy), I tried fixing the original post as much as possible Hope you enjoy 2
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