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Posted (edited)

I had to, he think's he's cool cause he has a dev now read my conv with him, taht nub




(02:18 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  You leave yet? *yes* I win  Noob. 

(02:18 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  so I continue to have my fun* 

(02:17 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  I can laugh stuff off, you just try to win, kid wed be riends 10 pages ago, if u didnt fight back, xD but know, u keep calling me, noob, OS i continu emy fun! 

(02:17 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  We''ll make many laugs, why u play with your devki..,. girlfriend all day =P 

(02:16 AM)  gatienthe   -  and ? 

(02:16 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  " Im recording this conv, lol, gonna post it tommotrow" xD 

(02:16 AM)  gatienthe   -  you don't know 

(02:16 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  Yes I am a noob 

(02:16 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  so I fi ever get a dev, or run unsigned code, hatever, I can thx you 

(02:16 AM)  gatienthe   -  no no you noob 

(02:16 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  I don't care, you did it for me, your my bitch 

(02:15 AM)  gatienthe   -  can you do this ?... no so shut up 

(02:15 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  I'm asoo ccool, now I mooded and XEX and put it on S&, oooho who cares bicth! 

(02:15 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  OMFG look I ha reconz that's all one color, ooooooh 

(02:15 AM)  gatienthe   -  stfu 

(02:15 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  'I have a dev, I'm soooooo kewl" 

(02:14 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  nah, i appreciate it, but harrassaing "when ur winning" is very fun 

(02:14 AM)  gatienthe   -  stfu 

(02:14 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  noob :noob: 

(02:14 AM)  gatienthe   -  **** off 

(02:14 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  so is your face..... 

(02:14 AM)  gatienthe   -  your'e soo noobie 

(02:14 AM)  gatienthe   -  you go to françe last night lol 

(02:14 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  hhaha 

(02:13 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  I suck,  On you rmom in bed last night   

(02:13 AM)  gatienthe   -  ? 

(02:13 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  I'll make I don't stop tlaking beleive me' 

(02:13 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  a ife... ******* 

(02:13 AM)  gatienthe   -  shut up please you suck 

(02:13 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  Laughing cause Ima noob, then maybe noobs, have a sense ogf ******* humor 

(02:13 AM)  gatienthe   -  have what ? 

(02:12 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  OOOH you f.. (****** *real word*) my life who craes, I still have one, 

(02:12 AM)  gatienthe   -  that's all 

(02:12 AM)  gatienthe   -  you laughing cause your noob 

(02:12 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  You wanna hurt my feelings, but I'm laughing in your face, xD 

(02:12 AM)  gatienthe   -  i fed up your life k ,so stfu 

(02:12 AM)  gatienthe   -  and ? 

(02:12 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  You can't touch me, lol 

(02:11 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  The Good Life 

(02:11 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  No you didnt lol, your part of the interente when I wake up I'm gonna **** u out into he toilet, like cache on a PC  

(02:11 AM)  gatienthe   -  and .? 

(02:11 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  (02:10 AM) xX Epsilon Xx - sure, Im the noooob 02:10 AM) gatienthe - nou ] pretty sur ethat's a double-negative so u just said I'm not a noob, yay! 

(02:10 AM)  gatienthe   -  and ? i fed up your life 

(02:10 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  When I was here 2 years, ago (not joining yesterday) I told everyone and we laughed, not yell at our PCs 

(02:10 AM)  gatienthe   -  nou 

(02:10 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  sure, Im the noooob, if you were smart obviuolsy the pic is PS'd you need to prove that your retarded, everyon new thta 

(02:09 AM)  gatienthe   -  .... 

(02:09 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  no pwn, lulz 

(02:09 AM)  gatienthe   -  big noob ever i seen 

(02:09 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  21k that's right 

(02:09 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  What about it? 

(02:09 AM)  gatienthe   -  powned !!!!! 

(02:08 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  wy, becaus eI can **** with your head, because I'll make fun of myslef to make others laugh? 

(02:08 AM)  gatienthe   -  and i have guarranted mothaa ****aaa 

(02:08 AM)  gatienthe   -  http://card.mygamercard.net/KillionairreHH3.png 

(02:08 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  Your dev will get RRoD and eat you, n0oB! 

(02:08 AM)  gatienthe   -  you suck 

(02:08 AM)  gatienthe   -  .... 

(02:08 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  you rnot hahaah! 

(02:08 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  You can't handle the truth, Ima noob 

(02:08 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  I'm sick of your ****, so Ima just laugh it of, Ima noob, Ima noob 

(02:07 AM)  gatienthe   -  nou shut up 

(02:07 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  YOU, what. 

(02:07 AM)  gatienthe   -  you what ? 

(02:07 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  Ima laugh, that's some funny ****, like that german kid on CS:S 

(02:07 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  ur liek a 5 yr old, screaming at your montior now are you, lol 

(02:06 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  wow, on xbox.com 

(02:06 AM)  gatienthe   -  and it's a fake gamecardg so 

(03:06 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  SupperModders Profile Tool 

(03:06 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  close, but yes 

(03:06 AM)  gatienthe   -  you dowload xbox 360 profile tool so nnoobie 

(03:06 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  u just said I couldn't; stop contradicting yourself... 

(03:05 AM)  gatienthe   -  i fed up your achievment ,it's very easy to di this noobie 

(03:05 AM)  ZsVip3rDSnip3r9   -  u r the best 

(03:05 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  look at my achievmnets bitch 

(03:05 AM)  gatienthe   -  and vip3r of my ass shut up 

(03:05 AM)  ZsVip3rDSnip3r9   -  shut up gatiethe 

(03:05 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  if u think I'll steal ur acct. etc ****, then suit yourself, I really dont care it's 4AM 

(03:05 AM)  gatienthe   -  you say ,but you can't do this so shut up your mouth 

(03:04 AM)  ZsVip3rDSnip3r9   -  ur not 

(03:04 AM)  gatienthe   -  yeah your'e noob 

(03:04 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  what achievment hacking? no it's not, god you say I'm a noob 

(03:04 AM)  gatienthe   -  fake 

(03:04 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  AIM? 

(03:03 AM)  ZsVip3rDSnip3r9   -  klk 

(03:03 AM)  ZsVip3rDSnip3r9   -  what 

(03:03 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  I'll do it for free, if it shuts you up 

(03:03 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  be nicer, and I wil edit my comment, what's ur forum URL? 

(03:03 AM)  ZsVip3rDSnip3r9   -  i dont know how 

(03:03 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  hack ur chievs 

(03:03 AM)  gatienthe   -  yesh i make pics of my mod an my forum so stfu ! 

(03:02 AM)  ZsVip3rDSnip3r9   -  can someome help me get vid annual 

(03:02 AM)  xX Epsilon Xx   -  you didnt put pics of it, if u did

Edited by xX Epsilon Xx
Posted (edited)
Epsilon that is proof right there you like to flame for no reason. Please read the shoutbox rules. I believe one of them is "5) Flamming another member (Deemed by Staff) is a 12 hour ban". Also nice job gatienthe. Also epsilon I'm not trying to be an *******. I'm just saying not to flame. Edited by khaosmaster
  gatienthe said:
bon d'abord ,faudrait que t'apprenne a fermé ta bouche stp et arrête de parlé ta pas de dev et tu parle ,donc ferme ta bouche k

pti con

He said:

good first t'apprenne should be closed? your mouth and stp arr? you talking? ta pas de dev and you talk, so shut your mouth k

pti con

Ummmmm. but any way its actually too simple for a dev kit mod, you can do all sorts of other awesome things with that, but i guess you choose to do this, although it may be cool to you its probably not something to really share, bitmap and shader swapping is pretty cool, but not the best. I probably didnt make any sense.


Everyone on this site know, that I can do that

If I do it on a dev that somoene 'll let me play a mod, it may not be te same bitmap, and you'll flame me for that, but yeah I thhink he's talking about the recon overall

obviously I'd use some app or script kiddie, so I'll admit that, ok I can't "hex", now go brag that you can to your mommy

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