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Posted (edited)
im heaving trouble making my vista ultamite geninue it was genuine untill about 2 days ago dont now ho it happend but it did every time i use a crack to make it genuine it comes with the same error


Edited by jmdalmighty
Posted (edited)

you should download Windows 7 7077 Ultimate


(I finally fixed the wireless bug)




(use Daemon Tools to run setup, and dont use activator until license expires, Feb 3rd, 2010


you don't need a key so when asked just hit enter



if you encounter wireless network issues then do this-


Right-click Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Advanced Tab

Scroll down to the bottom and locate the Startup and Recovery section and click Settings.

In the next poup go down to System Failure section and locate 2 check boxes

Uncheck [] Auto Restart

Edited by DarkRuler
  DarkRuler said:
you should download Windows 7 7077 Ultimate


(I finally fixed the wireless bug)




(use Daemon Tools to run setup, and dont use activator until license expires, Feb 3rd, 2010


you don't need a key so when asked just hit enter



if you encounter wireless network issues then do this-


Right-click Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Advanced Tab

Scroll down to the bottom and locate the Startup and Recovery section and click Settings.

In the next poup go down to System Failure section and locate 2 check boxes

Uncheck [] Auto Restart


Fail, download tiny xp and enjoy..

  jmdalmighty said:
u both fail as im asking how to repair my widows not upgrade or downgrade

ive already virous scaned and nothing

Its was a little off-topic, but anyway try formating and reinstalling windows?

  jmdalmighty said:
ok when i chek online if my windows is genuine i get this




Want to make Windows Genuine WITHOUT DOWNLOADING A FILE!


I am going to show you how, it is very SIMPLE and it WORKS!






Open Notepad and select new text document.

In that document and paste the following info. All info Between the lines below!



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]


"CurrentBuild"="1.511.1 () (Obsolete data - do not use)"






















[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]






In notepad click save as. For file type in the save dialog box select "all files" and for the filename type in License Key.reg.It doesn't matter as long as it has the .reg extension. Click save. Double click the file thats now on your Harddrive. It will ask you are you sure you want to send it to the registy. Tell it yes. You are now done.







To see that it worked go to




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