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buddy of mine dipset took this pic and i fell in love with it

so i wanted to do something really subtle not to take away the impact of

the picture so its really simple but i like it



  Happy Buddah said:
If you took the pic it would be good, but considering you didn't... It's boring and text and border kills it. So basically you made it worse >.>

i could say the same thing for every sig you have done :X


would be a nice promo for a skate comp.

you could try sellin the orig to a couple skate companies in the area.


maybe blow it up real large and put it up in a store?


gotta learn to capitolize on sex shots like this one.


if he's makin a skatetage that could be the intro?

or the promo poster for it.


Its a cool pic, but you did a bad job on it.

You can hardly see the text.

Be more creative with it.

Do what other people dont.

I would put a background of like stars behind the grind text with like graffiti.

  D.HeRo♥ said:

Text is too fail IMO

Maybe use c4d to create some 3d text to fit in with depth.

ur dumb haha


i only did 3 things to the pic lol


i just added a gradient, text, and drop shadow lol

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