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Posted (edited)

The dishwasher research by SotG Caboose and adahalo


This was a quick copy and paste from notepad, its not exposed to look good.


Save Information starts at offset F000

The second save information is the same as first, you must edit it also for it to work. It starts at offset 10000


<ecktoPhase></ecktoPhase> no clue what it is... tried changing it and nothing appeared to be difefrent

<expOrbs></expOrbs> money

<playSeconds></playSeconds> how mutch time you have played for

<VeryEasyTrack></VeryEasyTrack> very easy leaderboard stats

<EasyTrack></EasyTrack> easy leaderboard stats

<NormalTrack></NormalTrack> normal leaderboard stats

<HardTrack></HardTrack> hard leaderboard stats

<upgrades></upgrades> character/gun upgrades first number is shift blade upgrade (max 3), second number is kama upgrade (max 3), third number chainsaw upgrade (max 3), fourth number is arsenal upgrade (max 3), fifth number is max health upgrade (max 5). sixth number is max skulls upgrade (max 5)

<flags></flags> this is your inventory items and other information that has not been tested


None of you have probobly never heard of this game before... it is one of the most downloaded community games though.

Edited by Boosie♥

Ok dude i found out how to Multiple you Bread and stuff in inventory




Origionally the 9's where 1's So all you have to do is buy 1 bread go into hex editior and edit all the 1's to 9 ands you have x9 Bread when u load up save =D

  Boosie♥ said:
nice job, you should mod your leaderboard stats ;) you will probably get banned though lol


i have hexxed my way on to many leaders boards Castle Crashers(Pre-Noob Infestation)/Kingdom For Kelfing/Arkadian Warriors/Peggle and i have never got banned


I Never Know That Arcade Games Had Saves.


I Find it Funny That Some one Would Buy "The Dishwasher Dead Samurai" Not Saying it is a bad game but wounder what the first downloader was thinking LOL

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