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Posted (edited)
  ImaGonnaGetYou said:
Although I do admit that that was the most fun I've had on iBotModz as of yet, I think the only reason I participated was because I didn't care about being banned because half of the site is nothing but flamers anyways.


If the flame was fixed, such a problem would not have arisen, because no one would be spreading rumors that Epsilon had hacked accounts, which, of course, he didn't. If someone is teamviewing him, I'm pretty freaking sure that he didn't hack anybody.


EDIT: Dark, the whole thing started because everyone started typing "ALL UR COMP R BELONG TO EPSILON", which started because everyone thought he hacked a VIP account. As it turns out, it was T3A guy who hacked it, and now all of the "noobz" are blaming Epsilon. Perhaps for favor, perhaps for something else, but they won't shut up.


Don't ban Epsilon, he didn't hack anyone, he just was blamed, and then this whole thing started.


Naw the chant started when someone hacked Epsilon and sent me a trojan and they thought he controlled my computer. I forgot who started it but it was a light green member.

Edited by Joe Walls
  Random1225 said:
I looked through the topic and I didn't see his post. Are you sure it's there?

Sorry it was in a different topic:

  xX Epsilon Xx said:
That is V3NOM, on my account!!!
  Joe Walls said:
Naw the chant started when someone hacked Epsilon and sent me a trojan and they thought he controlled my computer. This was started by gruntmodz.

you faggot, i tried to help you


It wasn't me!!! When I cam to IBM here was a whole bunch of people saying "EPSILON HAZ UR COMPUTER" or something like that, and then JoeWalls kept spamming keep saying I gave you a trojan, but my MSN was hacked

1. I wasn't on ALL day, so whoever said that wasn't me, I guess I was hacked ( I changedmy pass)


Posted (edited)
I actually didn't believe Epsilon at first, but now I do and I shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions. And I'm sorry for blaming you Epsilon. Edited by Reaper222
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