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Ipd Touch 2g Jailbreak GUI - Voltage

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ive never been able to jailbreak my bro's ipod until today but with this it was so simple that i did it with 1 try and in like 15 mins!!! i'll give u a tut now so you guys can do it.


Bar in mind, this is still a teathered jailbreak. this means if you turn it of (or reboot it) you will need to run a boot tool. this program has 1 included that is very quick, and very very easy!!!


(this program requirs no commands in command prompts, therefore itl b really easy and you wont need to worry about pasting wrong or whatever)


Please note, there is another GUI jailbreaker called "cyw00d" there is a tut for that jailbreaker HERE




TUT - (taken from http://www.ipodtouchfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=141979)





This is the release of my jailbreaking and booting application(s) under the name of "Voltage".


Download (v0.5): HERE


Please follow all instructions carefully, it should be pretty self explanatory.

(Remember to read where to place your IPSW on the first step).


The booter tool is used after jailbreaking to boot your iPod in one click.


Jailbreaking Tool:




DFU Helper:




Booting Tool:




Please note below if you have any issues/bugs.


I have successfully jailbroken mine numerous times with this application before release, and booted it numerous times.


Changelog (started at v0.3)

v0.5: Added a check to see if Visual C++ is installed, if redsn0w.exe returns a blank status response, Visual C++ is not installed, problem with side by side.




v0.4: Added "browse" button to the application to search for the IPSW, no longer have to move firmware into the JB_Files folder.


v0.3: Updated 2.1.1 text to 2.2.1 typo as well as added DFU helper to Voltage - Booter






i have used this myself and i guarentee it works! its still in BETA form but it worked faultlessly for me! as its all inclusive you just need 2 make sure your itouch 2g is running 2.2.1 and that u save the firmware in a folder that you can access.


try it out and enjoy your jailbroked itouch!!!

Posted (edited)

Good job,you have been making allot of Tuts I have a picture for you hold on...


Nothing sexual.







Edited by GMOF Slidell♥
  GMOF Slidell♥ said:
Good job,you have been making allot of Tuts I have a picture for you hold on...


Nothing sexual.







hahaha thanks 4 that! thats superb!


i like doing a tut every now and again so i'll keep em cummin while im in the mood 4 it :p love the picture m8

  matty0 said:
hahaha thanks 4 that! thats superb!


i like doing a tut every now and again so i'll keep em cummin while im in the mood 4 it :p love the picture m8

I wouldnt use this one. This GUI has so many errors!. Use cyw00d JailBreak GUI helper.

  teddyr0ckz said:
I wouldnt use this one. This GUI has so many errors!. Use cyw00d JailBreak GUI helper.

tried both...i prefer this 1... i had no errors at all... worked without a hitch!


all u gotta do is update your itouch to 2.2.1 then follow the steps... no worries

Posted (edited)

I jailbroke mine with cyw00d easily in 20 minutes, but w/e floats your boat imean, it doesnt matter once it's patched cause then its all the same, and here the tut I made if you want to give it a go,



and on the bottom of the page is a bunch of tips and tricks videos you can do if your upto it ^___~





edit...nvm saw you thrashed it...


i dont see whats wrong with that one there was no errors and like 4 seconds of command prompts.


w.e. your preference is i guess mate, i guess im just a cyw00d kinda guy.

Edited by Fatal Error
  Fatal Error said:
I jailbroke mine with cyw00d easily in 20 minutes, but w/e floats your boat imean, it doesnt matter once it's patched cause then its all the same, and here the tut I made if you want to give it a go,



and on the bottom of the page is a bunch of tips and tricks videos you can do if your upto it ^___~





edit...nvm saw you thrashed it...


i dont see whats wrong with that one there was no errors and like 4 seconds of command prompts.


w.e. your preference is i guess mate, i guess im just a cyw00d kinda guy.

s'all just oppinion. i prefer having the commands done 4 me... call me lazy or whatever but it wasnt my itouch so i diddnt wana wreck it lol. i liked the look of cyw00d but i just think voltage was a more... i dunno, inclusive option.

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