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How to jailbreak your iPod touch, get installeous, AND get GBA Roms!

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Posted (edited)

How to: Jailbreak your iPod Touch 2G, Get Installeous (to install cracked apps) and, as a bonus, get GBA Roms


Okay, lets get started, to jailbreak your touch you are going to need this pack of software. Make sure you have the time alotted. It took me about an hour and a half - two hours cause I worked slowly and had to download everything.

Once I knew what I was doing, it takes me roughly 20-45 minutes per ipod.

Cyw00d DLL

Go to ipod/iphone 2g, go to the bottom one, and download (5H11a)

What's included

  • *Cyw00d V_17
    * iPod2,1_2.2.1_5H11a_restore.ipsw (the 2.2.1 firmware)


Okay, lets get started, shall we?


1)Make sure your iPod 2G is running 2.2.1 Firmware. Duh.


2)Download that software pack, extract to your desktop, its VERY important it goes to your desktop.


3)Put the 2.2.1 firmware in the Cyw00d V_17 Folder


4)Open Cyw00d_V17, run Cyw00d Jailbreak Helper.exe


5)You should get something that looks like this:


6) Now install BOTH of those packages, libUSB AND c++


7)Hit next step once they are installed and highlight the firmware you put in your cyw00d folder, and click 'Start making IPSW file


(Note this step takes several minutes, it took me 15 minutes, please dont close out of the CMD, it closes automatically)


8)When the cmd closes, hit next step. Put your ipod into DFU mode (Hold the power and home button for 10 seconds, release the power button while still holding home button and after 10 seconds you should hear a chime. Then click Upload DFU file. After you do that, unplug your ipod, at the ipod end (non usb) for two seconds. Plug back in. Then hit upload own patch then hit next step.


9)Hit the 'Press Me Button' Right click anywhere on the CMD and hit 'paste' you don't have to copy anything, its already copied to your clipboard. After a few seconds the command prompt will close on its own.


10) Open your iTunes. Hit Shift +left click the 'Restore' button. Find your JailbrokenIPSW.ipsw in the Cyw00d folder. Hit okay, it will start writing your jailbroken software to your iPod. Takes roughly 10-15 minutes or so.


11) After this process you SHOULD have an uresponsive ipod, that is CORRECT. IT IS GOOD. The iPod has detected theres hacked software and doesn't want to respond. How to fix that: Give the ipod a patch that tricks it.


12)Hit next on the Cyw00d jailbreaker. Put your ipod into DFU mode once again.(Hold the power and home button for 10 seconds, release the power button while still holding home button and after 10 seconds you should hear a chime.) Now hit upload the DFU file, and do what you did in step 8. Unplug your ipod for 2 seconds, plug back in. you should get a WHITE screen now. Now hit 'Upload Patch'


13)Hit next, now press the 'Press Me' button. Then once again, paste into the CMD once again, you dont have to copy anything it gets done automatically.


14) Press next, hit Upload DFU patch. Next click Enter go and /exit. What you do is type in go, hit enter, then type /exit.

Hit upload IMG file, then hit enter go /exit and do the same thing as before.



Video tuts:

How to jailbreak your touch

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How to get Cracked Apps

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How to 5 icons in a row

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How to SSH your iPod

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How to get GBA Roms

Cannot Be Displayed


How To Reboot A iPod Touch 2nd Gen After It Shuts Off

Cannot Be Displayed


How to get 5 icon ROWS on your homescreen

Cannot Be Displayed




Have any questions? Just ask.

Remember, +REP if this helped you!



Edited by Fatal Error
Posted (edited)
  LXV Grizzly said:
I have a 16 GB one, so this wont work for me, thanks though, this should help a lot of people.

Does your touch have 'sound rockers' or sound adjusters on the side that control speakers?

Does it have internal speakers?

Then this will work.

By 2G i mean Second Generation, not 2 gigabytes

  Korupt Data said:
Very in depth tut O___o damn FE did you write that entire thing up?

anyhow thank you, im thinking bout getting a touch soon :] hope you will help on msn or aim.

Took me bout an hour and a half or so to do this cause I 'put my ipod back in jail' so i can re-jailbreak it with the tut so its pretty noobproof.

Edited by Fatal Error
  GMOF Slidell♥ said:
Sweet thanks man,I'm going to do this soon.



Okay, just make sure you watch that video on rebooting or w/e since this is tethered, you have to re-write the patch to the ipod everytime it shuts off, but its so worth the apps.

  Fatal Error said:
Okay, just make sure you watch that video on rebooting or w/e since this is tethered, you have to re-write the patch to the ipod everytime it shuts off, but its so worth the apps.

To reboot your ipod touch 2 generation as easy as 1 click download this and thats it 1 CLICK BOOT IPT2G

I am also a personal friend of WILDTA on youtube, one of the best ipod touch hackers and app crackers in the ipod touch commmunity so if i dont an answer to a question ill ask him and he can answer!
  .MeLo♥ said:
I just press the restart buttons and that usually does it for me haha

when an ipod 2g is jailbroken, if it shuts off (like holding power button and turning it off) it becomes unresponsive so simple way to beat it is to put it in DFU mode and run that teddy just posted, its a charm.

  Fatal Error said:
Okay, just make sure you watch that video on rebooting or w/e since this is tethered, you have to re-write the patch to the ipod everytime it shuts off, but its so worth the apps.


Okay I still haven't done it I'm WAAAAAAY to lazy.

Posted (edited)




theres a MUCH better gui jailbreaker that is so simple that i tried it out on my bro's ipod an it was finnished within 15 mins! its totaly automated so you dont need to keep going into command prompt and pasting in comands wich lets face i can go wrong!


i will now make a tut on this new software and i will post a link to that topic here.






check it out

Edited by matty0
  matty0 said:



theres a MUCH better gui jailbreaker that is so simple that i tried it out on my bro's ipod an it was finnished within 15 mins! its totaly automated so you dont need to keep going into command prompt and pasting in comands wich lets face i can go wrong!


i will now make a tut on this new software and i will post a link to that topic here.






check it out

NO DO NOT USE THIS THE ONE MATTYO. THERE ARE SO MANY ERRORS. And there is not copying and pasting. There is pasting but no copying the copy is automaticaly built into the program so if you cant manage to right click then idk lol.

  teddyr0ckz said:
NO DO NOT USE THIS THE ONE MATTYO. THERE ARE SO MANY ERRORS. And there is not copying and pasting. There is pasting but no copying the copy is automaticaly built into the program so if you cant manage to right click then idk lol.

...i already used it an it worked without a hitch! it has DFU mode help, and its all automated... why would you choose to do it manualy when u can do it quicker and easier with this GUI?

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