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basicaly my iphone 3G (2.2) has been my baby since jan 5th of this year and im a real geek as some of you know 8)


so basicaly here's a list of things ive done 2 my iphone and if u guys want i would be happy 2 show u how 2 do any of em.

~Jailbroken (QuickPWN)

~Unlocked (Yellowsn0w)

~Open SSH


~Video Themes


~Tap Tap Revenge Guitar Hero coversion

~Tap to unlock

~MXtube (youtube video downloader)

~Veency (control your iphone via pc!!)

~Installous (download cracked apps, never pay for appstore apps again!!)

~ALL emulators (NES, SNES, GBC, GBA, Sega Genesis, PSX) and roms for them all

~installing roms without a pc

~how to make a hotmail app

~5 icon dock, with dockflow!!!


and loads more things that im sure will come 2 mind...


i can also offer tutorials on cydia and installer for jailbroken people who need a little guidence.


(P.S i run windows xp and vista, so i cant do mac tuts im afraid... but hey there pretty much all done on the phone anyway so you'l b fine.)


so let me know if any of you guys want a tut on anything an i'll hit you up.

  .MeLo♥ said:
Can you jailbreak the original iphones?

even in firmware 2.3 or whatever the latest is??

well the answer is yes you can, and i imagine its the same technique... but i only have a 3g so im afraid i cant help you much. but if you go onto your iphone, then settings, then about. it will tell you what firmware your on. if u can tell me that we can go from there,


  .Slack♠ said:
Can i see a tut on the hotmail app. What is SSH and Winterboard?

The hotmail app is really really simple and dosent really require much of a tut tbh... go onto safari then go 2 the website "https://www.mebo.com/#frontpage" then click the "+" button at the bottom of the screen and save it to home screen. now name it hotmail or whatever... then set the network to MSN or whatever else you use and type in your settings. allow it to save them and you will now have an IM program that you can use on your phone :p


SSH is "Secure Shell Handling" and what you have on your iphone will be a closed SSH. i can teach you how to open it so you can access it via wifi (from your laptop or pc) and browse the files! this will let you install cracked apps, install ROMs for your emulators and if you download "Cycorder" a video reccording app fom cydia, i can show you how to take those vids an put them on your comp.


Winterboard is *possibly* the best reason to jailbreak your iphone! its basicaly a skinning program for it, it will alow you to have a background behind your spring board so you can have your wallpaper all the time or whatever else you might want! it allows you to change your icons, have a video as a wallpaper! change your carrier logo... anything! it basicaly allows you to change the appearance of the whole iphone. must have for any jailbroken iphone

  matty0 said:
well the answer is yes you can, and i imagine its the same technique... but i only have a 3g so im afraid i cant help you much. but if you go onto your iphone, then settings, then about. it will tell you what firmware your on. if u can tell me that we can go from there,


Ok cool man!

Once i get ungrounded ill tell you :)

Posted (edited)

would any of your tuts for these:


~Tap Tap Revenge Guitar Hero coversion

~Tap to unlock

~ALL emulators (NES, SNES, GBC, GBA, Sega Genesis, PSX) and roms for them all

~installing roms without a pc

~how to make a hotmail app

~5 icon dock, with dockflow!!!


work on ipod touches?


or at least to get 5 on the dock or w/e the thing on the bottom is.


Cause I've done these on my touch:

~Jailbroken (Cyw00d)

~Unlocked (Redsn0w)

~Open SSH


~Video Themes (I think i know how to do this.)

~Installous (download cracked apps, never pay for appstore apps again!!)

~I got gpSiPhone and got GBA roms...

Edited by Fatal Error
  Fatal Error said:
would any of your tuts for these:


~Tap Tap Revenge Guitar Hero coversion

~Tap to unlock

~ALL emulators (NES, SNES, GBC, GBA, Sega Genesis, PSX) and roms for them all

~installing roms without a pc

~how to make a hotmail app

~5 icon dock, with dockflow!!!


work on ipod touches?


or at least to get 5 on the dock or w/e the thing on the bottom is.


Cause I've done these on my touch:

~Jailbroken (Cyw00d)

~Unlocked (Redsn0w)

~Open SSH


~Video Themes (I think i know how to do this.)

~Installous (download cracked apps, never pay for appstore apps again!!)

~I got gpSiPhone and got GBA roms...

Well you cant unlock an iphone, its not on a mobile network... (ulocking meaning, allowing it to connect to any network as opposed to it being locked to one) but as long as you've jailbroken it, then yes you can do all of these things no worries. i'll do a little mini tut 2night if i have time, show you a few of the things im being asked about

Posted (edited)
  matty0 said:
Well you cant unlock an iphone, its not on a mobile network... (ulocking meaning, allowing it to connect to any network as opposed to it being locked to one) but as long as you've jailbroken it, then yes you can do all of these things no worries. i'll do a little mini tut 2night if i have time, show you a few of the things im being asked about

if you want you can PM me lil shorts on how to get them and stuff and ill make a beautiful tut.


And btw, my friend is paying me to jailbreak his iphone (even though i have a touch and i keep tellin him there two different things...o_0) he is insisting and offering money.


if you can make it noob friendly, i will love you forever. nohomo.


I can get installous and chit if its the same on the touch as the iphone (adding source then downloading package)





EDIT: When you said unlocked i thought you meant patched, my b lol.

Edited by Fatal Error
  matty0 said:
Well you cant unlock an iphone, its not on a mobile network... (ulocking meaning, allowing it to connect to any network as opposed to it being locked to one) but as long as you've jailbroken it, then yes you can do all of these things no worries. i'll do a little mini tut 2night if i have time, show you a few of the things im being asked about


Actually you can unlock it

My cousin got his unlocked for verizon, BY verizon, so they wouldnt hack the iphone illegally JUST to unlock it

  .MeLo♥ said:
Actually you can unlock it

My cousin got his unlocked for verizon, BY verizon, so they wouldnt hack the iphone illegally JUST to unlock it




you're saying the verizon store UNLOCKED a touch and turned it into an iphone?


I call shenanigans. No mouthpiece.


lol i meant you cant unlock an ipod touch hehe. of course you can d an iphone. i meant because the ipod touch is essentialy anmp3 player theres no network for it to be locked 2... iphones either come on

o2 - UK

Vodaphone - Italy

T-Mobile - most europe (not uk)



but if you unlock it you can use any sim! i mean any! like i could put it on orange or even tesco moble :) i strongly advise, to unlock it -

~ Jailbreak with QuickPWN (add cydia)

~ go onto cydia, then "Sections"

~ go to "Add Sources"

~ install "Iphone Dev Team Repo"

~ Install "YellowSn0w"

~ Run YellowSn0w then reboot your iphone.


smile cos your unlocked =p

  .MeLo♥ said:
He said unlock an iphone


yeah thats right, sorry for any confusion i caused!


you CAN unlock an iphone, you CAN'T unlock an ipod touch, it is not a phone hehe


so a lil help with the stuff i posted then?

would any of your tuts for these:


~Tap Tap Revenge Guitar Hero coversion

~Tap to unlock

~ALL emulators (NES, SNES, GBC, GBA, Sega Genesis, PSX) and roms for them all

~installing roms without a pc

~how to make a hotmail app

~5 icon dock, with dockflow!!!


And btw, my friend is paying me to jailbreak his iphone (even though i have a touch and i keep tellin him there two different things...o_0) he is insisting and offering money.


if you can make it noob friendly, i will love you forever. nohomo.


I can get installous and chit if its the same on the touch as the iphone (adding source then downloading package)



  Fatal Error said:
so a lil help with the stuff i posted then?

would any of your tuts for these:


~Tap Tap Revenge Guitar Hero coversion

~Tap to unlock

~ALL emulators (NES, SNES, GBC, GBA, Sega Genesis, PSX) and roms for them all

~installing roms without a pc

~how to make a hotmail app

~5 icon dock, with dockflow!!!


And btw, my friend is paying me to jailbreak his iphone (even though i have a touch and i keep tellin him there two different things...o_0) he is insisting and offering money.


if you can make it noob friendly, i will love you forever. nohomo.


I can get installous and chit if its the same on the touch as the iphone (adding source then downloading package)



yeah no worries i'll do you some tuts m8. btw, its like a billion times easier to jailbreak an iphone than it is an itouch! you'll do it without any difficulty whatsoever. i might b able 2 do a couple of those tuts 2night, but after college im goin 2 my girlfriends so i dunno what time i'll b home... as soon as i am i'll wack out a couple 4 u.


(and yes, installous is exactly the same on iphone as it is itouch)

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