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new glitch tut - the helicopter jump =p

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well ive a had a buisy few weeks an ive havnt had time to make a video for you guys for some time now, but heres a new 1 for you thatl hopefuly give you a laugh. its my personal favourate glitch that ive found for AGES an its a really easy one 2!!!


count peter does basicaly all the hard work and he wanted 2 call it the helicopter jump. so thats exactly what i named it.


anyway, i always do a little requirements list before i put the video in but id like to write out a little description before that as this isnt an overly logical glitch.


this glitch works by "canceling" basicaly starting an action but then telling your charactor to do another one very quickly, thus canceling the initial action. the 2 actions in this are intialy a meele (B button) followed extreamly quickly by a reload (RB button). all you need to do is tab R/RB/R/RB/R/RB etc and it will all make sense.


Requirements ~

~2 Players, on different teams

~Communication!!! really important!!!

~1 player who can button bash like a pro

~1 player who dosent mind being assasinated LOTS while the other one learns the glitch lol


anyway, heres the vid guys. (watch it in high quality... i took the time to upload it so watch it how it was intended to be watched =p)

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is a link to the youtube page. please watch it in HQ =p)


anyway i hope you really enjoy it! trust me its really fun to do an you can get to some weird spots haha so watch it and find your own spots, then reccord em an show them as video replys! id love to see what you guys can do with this glitch :)


lots of love xxx matty0 {BlackXhorneT}

  CountXPeter said:
ha ha, i got to do a lot of assasinatons, it does make me wonder though how far we could get off of the sandtrap dune

me 2, i think trying it with like 0 gravity wasnt the best way 2 try that lol


  § Joe Walls § said:
Nice! And good quality!!

thanks :) im fed up of watching crap quality tuts so im uploading in really high quality now. its more time consiming but the clarity makes it much easier 2 understand i hope

  Korupt Data said:
Awesome tut matty!

very clear instructions ^__^ and easy to follow.


Time to see what the crazy ass spots i can get myself into now lol

glad u liked it :) an show us the spots! id love 2 see what you can do with this 1


  xDansomee said:
Wow, does this work on MM?


Thanks for this :)

yeah works perfectly :p on and offline and in all playlists :p you need 2 find sum1 on the other team 2 help lol but if u do u can hav great fun! especialy in oddball or something like that haha

  Korupt Data said:
I just realized what this is lol its what i like to call the "******* glitch" xD

ive never thought about using it to fly though...

thats inovation my friend ;)

  Dark Slipstream said:
I'm loving this glitch lol, Gonna try it out in MM soon.


Haha, think i'm going to have to join you there :)


Right after I go to sleep...

  xX Epsilon Xx said:
This is EPIC, I am doing this glitch as I type, and you can fly if enemy is monitor (forge) and have monitor hold "RB" (go up) and does same thing

Yeah lol i was about to say that, Oh and i found somethng else out


if you are holding a sentinel beam and jump and hit b really fast it does some spaz'd out melee...


K, this move is not caleld the "helicopter glitch" it is called the butterfly jump and is well known. If you are going to make a TUT Please make sure you have the right name it gets confusing. This glitch is from Halo 2 but can also be done in H3. So please, next time you make a tut, call it by the original name and don't try to make you own new glitch. Thnx



  L1LnICKY said:
K, this move is not caleld the "helicopter glitch" it is called the butterfly jump and is well known. If you are going to make a TUT Please make sure you have the right name it gets confusing. This glitch is from Halo 2 but can also be done in H3. So please, next time you make a tut, call it by the original name and don't try to make you own new glitch. Thnx



cant say i care. ever heard the phrase "if you cant say something nice, say nothing at all"? look at all the tutorials i have put time and effor into that teach glitches to people like you. nice to see that you are an ungreatful oaf. kudos to you.


  GMOF Slidell♥ said:
Good job man I'm going to do this.

thanks :) nice to see there is still manners around

  L1LnICKY said:
K, this move is not caleld the "helicopter glitch" it is called the butterfly jump and is well known. If you are going to make a TUT Please make sure you have the right name it gets confusing. This glitch is from Halo 2 but can also be done in H3. So please, next time you make a tut, call it by the original name and don't try to make you own new glitch. Thnx




The butterfly jump is when someone is facing and walking into a 90 degree corner, there is someone on there head, also facing the corner and walking into it... The person on the bottom starts tapping A like a crazy *******, and you both start going up, until the corner ends.

  xDansomee said:
The butterfly jump is when someone is facing and walking into a 90 degree corner, there is someone on there head, also facing the corner and walking into it... The person on the bottom starts tapping A like a crazy *******, and you both start going up, until the corner ends.

Oh YEAH!!!!! a.k.a the elevator jump


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another tut by me ages ago... dont wory i dont expect an apology

  matty0 said:
Oh YEAH!!!!! a.k.a the elevator jump


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another tut by me ages ago... dont wory i dont expect an apology


Lol, thats what I meant to call it :p

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