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My NAT will not open )'=

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Posted (edited)

Can Someone please help me open my NAT


Hello, my router has be working for a almost a year untill i moved )=. sitting in a box for 2 months until i deside to standby in gow 2

so i set up cain and zonealarm everythings going good for about 2 days then my NAT came strict. i did not realy care about brigeing so i did a derict feed for my xbox 2 modem. later i wanna brige, keep restartins my router and my NAT opens i brige and like 2 games later my NAT goes strick. ( i did not edit anything ! ) now i cant get it open even for a minute. so i was hoping if someone could help...


i have tryed


-opening ports ( done correctley )

-restoring to factory defalts

-restating it



plz someone help


i have a D-Link "DI-524"


Thanks !

Edited by BTKC124
Posted (edited)

Credit for writing this goes to : ClickClickBoom of xbox360forum.com


Step 1: Get your Xbox 360's IP address from the system blade and choose network settings. Then edit settings should show your Xbox's IP.


Step 2: Go into your routers configuration window thru Internet Explorer. In the address bar type in your routers IP address. It should be default at or When you're prompted for a password you have found it =P. If you haven't changed it the username and password should both be admin, and admin.


Step 3: USING DMZ When you enter into your router config window, you need to find the Tab DMZ, it should be under applications and gaming if you are using Linksys. Once you find the DMZ tab, click enable and type in the last digits of your XBOX into the box below. Yes when you do this you are opening all the ports on your Xbox, which is insecure, but show me someone that has hacked into an xbox 360?



Step 4: Using Port Fowarding After you have enabled DMZ, find the Port Fowarding tab, should be under advanced routing. For the name type in XBL or whatever you want, and for port range put 87 to 89, choose UDP, then your XBOX last digits, and enable. Then do 3073 to 3075 choose TCP, then your XBOX last digits, and enable. Then again do 3073 to 3075 choose UDP, then your XBOX last digits, and enable.



Step 5: Using UPnP This is just incase. Go into UPnP fowarding and enter in the same stuff you did for Step 4.



Step 6: Now logout of your router config. Unplug your router and modem from the power, then plug in the router 1st, wait 30 seconds. Then plug in the modem and wait at least 2 minutes. If you don't do these hard restarts it might not work!


Step 7: Restart your Xbox and go to the system blade, choose network settings, then test connection. This may take a bit, but when it gets down to NAT type it should say OPEN. If not, sorry. You can just undo all the settings we changed, you can just uncheck enabled on the port fowarding. or if you want to restore your router to the factory defaults just push the reset button on the back of it.


Credit for writing this goes to : ClickClickBoom of xbox360forum.com

Edited by LXV Grizzly

ya that does not work eather


also i cant add the ports to the upnp

also when i entre the posts in virteal sever some times they dont show but if i refresh they will



i am going to bedt buy and buying the most expensive router in the world (=

that ill show da hoe who boss, ME (=

NOT IT )=<


and if it does not ill hire bill gates lol


i am going to bedt buy and buying the most expensive router in the world (=

that ill show da hoe who boss, ME (=

NOT IT )=<


and if it does not ill hire bill gates lol


Get a Linksys, they are by Cisco.


I've never heard of Cisco before a few months ago, but....


1. There stuff cost lots.

2. People say they are great brand.


I personally have a Linksys AG241, its great. Its hardly ever turned off and its survived multiple power surges. If a power surges does happen it may forget internet password, login, all the information, but there is a backup feature and you just restore a backup.


I have had it for about a year or two.

I don't suggest getting a linksys, they blow. I bought a router that was supposed to open my NAT, 100 dollars, and it is still strict. Go to xbox.com, they have a list of xbox live compatible routers, like i said, I have one but my NAT is still strict.
Posted (edited)
I don't suggest getting a linksys, they blow. I bought a router that was supposed to open my NAT, 100 dollars, and it is still strict. Go to xbox.com, they have a list of xbox live compatible routers, like i said, I have one but my NAT is still strict.


Yes, by default mine was medium, but they are so easy to open.


Maybe its just your ISP.

Edited by SmokiestGrunl

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