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Posted (edited)

This game was made in the year 1998, its very easy to mod and make maps and new ships, watever u want and its free cause pandemic doesnt care about it any more. This game has really good graphics if you max out the settings wich shouldnt be hard with todays computers. Also this game is NOT ILLEGAL TO MOD ONLINE!!!! OR ANYTHING, INFACT THEY ENCOURAGE IT!!! If u have a good PC then it should run no problem and the community is still VERY active at making patches and mods. check out the main site here http://www.bzunivers...forum/index.php

and the mod dev site here http://www.bz2md.com/smf/portal.php and to DL it if you like it then DL from these links:




part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5


Then for the newest and l8est and gr8est patch so far DL here:




If any of these links don't work then tell me wat 1 and ill fix it


System Requirements:


- Pentium 200MHz Pentium processor

- 100% DirectX 6.0 or higher compliant 3-D video accelerator card with 4MB of RAM

- 32MB RAM (64MB RAM will be required for certain video cards on lower end systems)

- Windows 95/98 operating system

- DirectX 6.0 or higher (download from Microsoft's web site at "www.microsoft.com/directx")

- 100% Windows 95/98-compatible computer system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for video card, sound card, and input devices)

- 100% DirectX 6.0 or higher compatible sound card

- 100% Microsoft-compatible mouse and driver


NOTE: It does run in Linux and maybe mac if you run it with W.I.N.E (W.I.N.E Wiki) but there could be some preformence problems.




1. DL all parts to its own folder

2. Extract to its own folder

3. Inside folder, go to \Setup\Setup.exe

4. Run game install (recomended to install to default)

5. DL the 1.3pb4a patch

6. Run patch install (recomended to install to default if the game install was installed to default)

7. Run game and play




To host you will have to open ports, you can ask at the BZUniverse forum for instructions




Edited by Dataanti
  • Like 7
Posted (edited)
  Korupt Data said:
Hmm so if its not illegal why dont they host a download on there own site? :p


idk y they dont but heres a quote from a beta tester/modder and also you can't buy it and there is no code like the AAAAA-11111-BBBBB-22222- CCCCC type of thing to install it


  Avatar said:
RE: Law


I think it boils down entirely to money.


Considering my own choice of mod and all I've looked into this a bit and there's really no rhyme or reason as to what's done, why it's done, and who it's done to.


Basically you can't Mod a game unless the publisher/creator wants you to. Their desire to allow or block modding is what makes them encrypt files, disclose methods, provide editors, etc.. Sure, a talented fan base can do a lot on their own, but the more the company wants to discourage things the harder it is, just as the more they want to encourage modding the easier it is. As an example of each I give you Battlezone 1, which was decidedly unfriendly to modding, vs Battlezone 2, which is amazingly friendly to modding. Usually a publisher/creator supports modding when it sells more games, or keeps them selling, such as ID, or Valve, who rely on their fanbase to keep the game growing and therefore selling.


If you CAN mod a game, whether the publisher/creator wants you to or not, you usually can't mod it using the property of another creator/publisher. As an example the HALO RTS type mod for a non-Microsoft game engine was sure to get MS's lawyers in an uproar given how much money they have tied up in the HALO franchise.


You also may or may not be able to use the publisher/creator's other works in a moddable game. As an example, there was a group recreating the DOOM/DOOM2 creatures in one of the Quake engines, and ID stepped in and stopped them with the threat of a lawsuit. This was suprising as ID is usually very mod friendly, but later it turned out they had their own plans to recreate Doom in DOOM 3 and didn't want anything diluting their profits.


If you were to try to recreate Battlezone 2 in the Quake engine you might not have anyone complain, given that both Activision and Pandemic don't (officially) care about the non-profit creating BZ2. If you tried to create Quake in the BZ2 engine you might hear from ID. If you tried to create Quake in the HALO engine you'd probably be nuked from orbit... and both ID and MS would deny any knowledge of how that happened... http://www.bzuniverse.com/forum/Smileys/default/evil.gif


So, like I said, it boils down to money. If a company feels it'll make them money they make a game moddable. If they feel it'll cost them money they block modding. If you try to take something that makes or will make them money and move it to somewhere else they'll come after you...




  Korupt Data said:
Also nice post m8.


and ty

Edited by Dataanti
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
  Korupt Data said:
Ohh well im gonna download this 2marro and see if its any fun :p , once again thanx


np, its a rare type of game to its a RTSTFPS (Real Time Strategy 1st Person Shooter) u don't see much of them around and it has 5 different complete opisite game types like racing, death match, capture the flag, strategy and MPI (Humans vs computer online in a strategy match). o and the single player missions are all broken cause know1 knows y it was like that when it came out so you can go into missions but some points wont continue but the instant action an multiplayer work fine.


also try to spread this game around the BZcomunity is getting smaller and theres not allot of players any more and we are trying to get this game more out in the public more agian cause now its pretty much a private game bewtween 100-200 players. Also try not to start any flaming wars cause they dont end well and especially not agianst the 1.2 players VS the 1.3 players, lots of heat there. u can find out more about the flaming wars at the BZUniverse sites. and MAKE A BACK UP before u try modding with out knowing wat u r doing or else you might get bad assets with people online and u hav to re install to fix them

Edited by Dataanti
  Fatal Error said:


My PC might be able to run that sheet.


lol it will but it does have high res and the graphics are graphics are getting better and better every patch and more and more things are getting fixed and new features, settings, maps, game types are being added to

Posted (edited)
  Dataanti said:
lol it will but it does have high res and the graphics are graphics are getting better and better every patch and more and more things are getting fixed and new features, settings, maps, game types are being added to

Aww well nvm.





I'm unpackingnao.



EDIT: Did you scan it?


I scanned it and nothing came up, I just want to make sure.

Edited by Fatal Error
  Fatal Error said:
EDIT: Did you scan it?


I scanned it and nothing came up, I just want to make sure.


I zipped it right from the CD, its fine but the patch might have something traveling with it like any other file but the patch its self its fine

  • 2 weeks later...
  saheton said:
will corsix mod tools work for this or do i need to download another pack of tools


all you need is note pad if your modding weapon damage and stuff like that, free versions of 3dmax or something with a few plugins to read .xsi if ur modding 3D objects, paint program for textures and something to write the c++ for VERY ADVANCED modder, its a very easy game to mod and alot of good tools for modding it is found here. before you start modding, i would ask the community for tips and stuff, there is a mapeditor built into the game so dont worry about that, the BZU community will answer alot of the questions that i dont hav answers for to

  • 1 month later...
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