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Everything posted by CMLiedtke

  1. not my tut, and havent tested it yet, but i figured people reading this thread would probably find it usefull http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plZvd0sH_BQ&annotation_id=annotation_219359&feature=iv
  2. Appsniper i get bored of apps pretty quick, so i just use it to keep getting informed on ones that go on sale, or new ones. That way I don't waste all my money on things ill use for a week or two. I think it was $1.99, bought it a long time ago after that either Jelly car(mentioned above) or FML, funny little stories about how things go wrong in other peoples lives, updated daily and free
  3. from what I've heard, treyarch patched the mods by removing the DVARs, you can still use these mods on solo, but modding co-op again seems pretty close to impossible
  4. just an answer to my own question above for anyone wondering the same, I finally decided to just try it, and playing WaW without the updates takes out the menu options for the maps, so no it isnt possible to do this to mod zombies as far as my knowledge of this stuff goes
  5. this would work for WaW too right? and also, id be able to play with my friends too if they also blocked the right IPs. is that how it works?
  6. ahhhhhhh i was just gonna mod mine for the games i sold too
  7. I know this sounds a bit stupid, but im pretty new to modding, and I was thinking of hex editing the files containing the actual map packs, or the full game saved to your harddrive (xbox 360), there are just a couple things I was wondering, do the map pack files actually contain any values that can be changed, and if they do, will it still run or will you get an error message when trying to start the game.
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