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Everything posted by david5534

  1. Why would this get users? All the mods are on almost every halo modding site and all over bungie.
  2. I think it was detox or shade that said there was no "checksums" on user maps. Even if there were we would still need a CON file resigner.
  3. Any one wana goto Germany with me? Even if you had a dev-kit you would still need a real modding program to do fun stuff and a modded xex.
  4. Someone thought you were lieing cuz you were talkin about online and offline hashes when they are the same. Giving credit is a big thing at ***** so its mostly the noobs that dont give credit.
  5. I thought why not be the one to give him the link?
  6. Sorry but if it was real peaches wouldn't have to waste his time try to crack hashes that have already been cracked.
  7. I did NOT write this tut, Forgoten Dynasty from ***** did. Original Tut: http://www.*****.com/forums/ipod-mo ... ac-os.html Video Tut:[youtube:10m3z3ac][/youtube:10m3z3ac] (I mabe this video following forgoten's tut). Download Links: 5G 60 gig - http://rapidshare.com/files/84928892/programs.zip 5G 30 gig - http://rapidshare.com/files/85076686/for_30_gigs.zip 5.5G 80 gig - http://rapidshare.com/files/85089950/5.5G_80gig.zip 5.5G 30 gig - http://rapidshare.com/files/85089989/5.5G_30_gig.zip Copy This: "ipodpatcher -ab loader.bin" (DONT COPY THE QUOTES)
  8. Don't wana get people existed but mabe someone made a resigner *Removed* (very last posts).
  9. Sorry for the bump, but could you (or some one that has this mod) re-upload?
  10. Could you re-upload this, it looks like fun.
  11. david5534

    A Tombstone

    here you go my tombstone, no fusion core thing but you can just melee the warthog from rider seat. Download:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HDCAKK8E Type:sppf Edit:video
  12. Hummm, i'll do this. should be up by Friday.
  13. How do I put this on my disk?It says the file is to big so I took off all the campain maps but it still says its to big?
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